Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Haul In Progress
Monday, March 30, 2009
Looking For Recommendations
Anyway, there are only about a bajillion different kinds of cuticle oil out there, so if you like yours, leave me a comment with what it is & why you like it. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
More Hot Misa On Misa Action (NOTD)

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Maybelline TOTD

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Need A Laugh? I Did

Although only if you’re in the mood to laugh. Which I am.
Sometimes there are guest appearances by other toys & action figures. While re-acquainting myself with the site, I ran across a couple with a FF (Final Fantasy ... it's a RPG video game if you're not into that kind of thing) twist. And since it's on YouTube also, I thought I might as well share one right here:
In addition to laughing, which is of course always great, I also learned how to do 2 new things with my blog (the link in a picutre & embedding the youtube) and that always puts me in a pretty good mood. Thanks for reading. And hopefully laughing =)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Book 17, 18, 19

Dead Beat
Dresden Files Book 7
Jim Butcher

Proven Guilty
Dresden Files Book 8
Jim Butcher

White Night
Dresden Files Book 9
Jim Butcher
It gets harder & harder to talk any word at all about the plot without giving too much away. And this particular book had even more twists than usual so I'm not going to even try. See, if I haven't explained, while this is urban fantasy, and there's plenty of magic being slung around, Harry is a private investigator, and there's always a little bit of the mystery element as you gather clues with him to solve the case. Even if the case involves creatures most regular PIs would never have to deal with. So I don't want to give away a clue & ruin this if any of you go out to read the series (which I certainly hope I can inspire a few people to do).
I'm currently actually reading 2 books at once right now, which blows some people's minds if I say anything about it. But some books are so good that I really don't want to take them to work, where I get a 15-minute break or a 1/2 hour lunch & then I'm expected to put the book down right at the best part (it never fails. It's ALWAYS the very best part when I have to go back to my desk) and go back to work. So I'm savoring Book 10 of the Dresden files in the peace & quiet of my own home & have a new series to read while I'm at work.
Yeah. I'm a gigantic nerd. I've made peace with this fact =) Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Misa NOTD: Flipped

Misa Chocolate Icing Konaded with Misa Ghetto Fabulous & plate m62. Obviously Ghetto Fabulous looses a little bit of it's bling factor going over such a dark color, but I like it. This is one of my favorite Konad tips, it reminds me of fire.
I ran into what I at first thought was application problems using this color for Konad. It can leave kind of a glittery golden residue on the rubber stamper, even after cleaning, and some of my nails pre-top coat looked almost a little dusty, and the gold looked slightly dull. But, the good news, both these issues pretty much disappeared after a coat of Seche Vite. Excuse the little lumps, had some other application issues on my thumb but this was the only finger left when I decided I wanted a pic pre-Seche:
Overall, I think I like this version of this color combo a little better. Maybe it says something about my mood as of late that the other one was just a bit too bright and happy for me at the moment.
Thanks for reading.
Wagon? What Wagon?

Monday, March 23, 2009
The Kreativ Blogger Award

7 Things That I Love (in no real order):

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Very bright after a could dark-colored manis in a row. Don't know how long I'll wear it since I'm not totally in love with it though. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Guest NOTDs & My Amateur Freehand Art

Then my friend T stopped by & I didn't get the name of her polish, but I did get a quick pic since I had the camera out. Her nails are so pretty & long right now since she's been taking care of them & keeping them polished. I think this gold sparkle may be a Sinful color but don't quote me:

Then I did some freehand experimentation ... and honestly, the desire to NOT post up these pics was pretty strong, but I promised, and I guess for a first attempt it's really not horrific, but I'm glad I didn't attempt this on a fresh mani:

I think I may need a slightly thinner liner brush, or just a lighter hand handling it. And (obviously) practice. But even though I'm not thrilled with the results, it was fun, I'll try it again, and eventually maybe I'll even wear it for real.
And, just as a bonus before I go - a pic of Frisky tripping out last night with her new sock-o-catnip:

If you have a cat, I'm sure you know how much more amusing this was in real life. Thanks for reading.
Friday, March 20, 2009
An Aunt's Love

That's all for now. Experimental freehand nail art tomorrow ... for better or worse LOL. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
NOTD & About That No-Buy...
I didn't know what I was putting back on when I took it off, but then I remembered what my mom had just found & went with the unknown beautifully glittery MAC polish. Holy crap, I don't even know how to describe it - dark mauve with mauve glitter & holo sparkle? It turned out really dark on the nail, maybe would even qualify as a vampy color, and it's just GORGEOUS (yes, that means more pics than normal). Please click to enlarge & see the full beauty of this mystery polish:

Yay mom! This is obviously the best thrift store find to-date. Not that I'd be upset if she surpassed this for coolness. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. Still don't know what this polish is - not that I've looked all that hard - but if anyone has any ideas what it could be let me know.
Now ... about that no-buy...
I didn't exactly fall off the wagon ... I only promised I wouldn't buy any polish & I didn't ... but I got some stuff to try some freehand nail art, if I can get up the nerve to do so. Here's my mini-haul from Michaels:

After reading Asami's Cherry Blossom Tutorial, I feel halfway confident of making flowers ... with my right hand that is. I've gotten pretty good doing regular polish with my non-dominant hand, but I'm still a long way from being ambidextrous. Pretty flowers with the left hand? We'll have to see.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kitty Toes

Most cats have 18 toes (5 on each front paw & 4 in the back). Cats with extra toes are called polydactyl & the Guinness World Record is 27, although the website I looked at said there's some other cat with 28 that is trying to take the tile. My cat Frisky has 24. She sounds like a person when she comes down the stairs she makes so much noise with her big feet. And, since she has claws on all those toes & then some (there's kind of an extra claw in the front between the "fingers" & the "thumbs" that's not attached to a toe) I put my life in danger to bring you some of these pics =)