I am SO behind. Behind on posting, WAY behind on replying to comments, and SUPER behind on reading everyone else’s blog. I keep telling myself this old comp is better than nothing, but I swear it’s slow enough to make baby Jesus cry. Today Internet Explorer crashed 3 times in a row before it would even stay up and running. Trying to do anything on it kind of puts me immediately in a bad mood because I got used to clicking on something & having it open right away, not having to wait 5 minutes … it’s only been 2 weeks but it honestly feels like so much longer.
I keep telling myself maybe they’ll finish early, maybe I won’t have to wait the full 3 weeks (if not longer …..) but I will not be happy until it’s back on my desk & everything is reloaded on it & things can go back to normal. Still, I’d rather attempt patience & fight the urge to pull my hair out in frustration than go totally AWOL & not post at all. So here we are.
Anyway, according to my poll (which finished like a week ago & I'm really quite late posting the results), the economy sucks. News flash, I know, but really, almost 1/3 of people who responded to my April poll on blogging at work were unemployed:
A lot of people seem to be under surveillance also - my sympathies LOL =) And more people than I expected are able to get away with as much as they want to.
I am still rocking Orange Marmalade on my nails (since Monday!) and I am happy to say I haven't lost a single rhinestone & aside from some very minimal tip wear it's still looking quite fantastic, no chipping. I've found a couple of things that My Nails Look Like over the past couple days. The first was a pic of a sunset in the Controller's office at work I noticed when I was printing checks. It was kind of hard to get a color-accurate pic, it was covered in glass so I was getting glare no matter what I did:

The second was the shirt I wore on Wednesday ... I don't normally really try to match my outfit with my nails, but come on, I own exactly 1 orange shirt, how could I not wear it when I wore orange polish for the first time since Halloween?

Also (drumroll here) ... I finally got my mom to wear blue nail polish! & now she is hooked LOL. She kept asking me when I was going to take a pic of her nails so I got a shot the other day. Revlon Color Beam Sheer, Bright Sky:

That's all for now, but I've still got some more catching up & a lot of stuff on my plate for upcoming posts:
I am rapidly approaching my 100th post! I hope I'll have something cool to post for it LOL but I'll just have to see exactly where it ends up falling.
Fresh NOTD coming this weekend, I really can't remember I've had one color on for this long but it's been a busy week, I hung out with my friend almost every night before she left out of town for a few months.
Books! I've got I think 5 or 6 more books & reviews to post up.
Review of the Revlon products that I received ... I won't be actually wearing the fake nails, but I'll give them some attention in addition to the false eyelashes.
My boss gave me a sample of a Mary Kay product called Satin Hands - I have an old version of it, but the new version is a little different configuration so I will be doing a review & comparison of the old set vs. the new set.
Thanks for reading!
Hi Colette, nice to hear from you. Computers, love them but they are frustrating. Glad to see your Mom wearing some blue. Now we have to get her to go to the dark side! She should wear what makes her happy and not others. Be brave and Happy Mothers Day to her. Your manicure stayed beautifully. Pretty nice.
ReplyDeleteI like OM on you! I got it when the collex first came out and I am still on the fence about wearing it. I dunno why I am on the fence since i love orange and i loved Cherry Pie...maybe today is the day!
ReplyDeleteLUCY - That's exactly what I keep telling her, but she says she doesn't want to draw attention to herself - I told her sometimes I am amazed how FEW comments I get, even when I'm wearing neon or something that stands out, except from the people who are actually on the lookout to see what my newest color is.
ReplyDeletePINKY - It was a great color, even though I normally shy away from orange, and I just took it off yesterday with ZERO chips after 5 days of wearing it - go for it!