Saturday, December 3, 2011

NOTD: Newspaper Nails - Round 1: QR Codes + Tutorial

I don't know how it got to be almost a week between posts.  I know I am having a bit of trouble getting back in the "groove" but I honestly didn't realize it was that long ... I'll never get actually caught back up at this rate LOL.
I've seen newspaper nails all over - and pretty much all trying too look like newspaper, with a light grey background &  newsprint that ends up being backwards on the nails.  I decided to go for a little bit of a different look & while I'm not 100% happy, they still turned out pretty cool.  Base color is Revlon Blue Lagoon:

My favorite was my left thumb, it got the clearest design.  I've had lots of helpful suggestions in the comments for the tutorial & I'll be giving it a 2nd go soon with some Chinese characters that I think will look really cool & not obviously backward even though of course they will be.
Here's the tutorial:
Upcoming posts include:  China Glaze Icicle with Bundle Monster stamping, China Glaze Reggae to Riches TOTD, a couple manis (a fail & the mani I actually wore) using Sally Hansen Lady Luck & Butter London The Black Knight, Icing Thunderstorm on Mom's nails, & maybe even the fruit tart vid if I have time to finish it =)  Thanks for reading.


  1. These look SO cool! The newspaper ink almost looks silvery over the blue. :)

  2. Wow Thank you! That's some good info..Did you say "Murphy's seconds"? after rubbing alcohol.

  3. I love them! It almost has a vintage feel to it.

  4. I've seen many versions of the whole newspaper nail-look but I haven't seen this. Looks really cool!

  5. I really like this! Both the baby blue polish and the interesting gray design.

  6. This looks really cool and I like that it's a different take :) I've only had a newspaper mani once (actually on my toes and my bf did them on me lol :)) but I choose two characters from a comic strip so it wouldn't matter that they were backwards.

  7. Hi Colette, I cant find your info with the hints and tips part to click on. I'm from Watertown SD so we are neighbors sorta. (you play with your dog like I play with mine funny) thanks for your talent. Love, Pam

  8. The first time I tried the newspaper nails I actually used a Chinese news paper. It looks really cool if you place the paper on an angle. I didn't like the Chinese characters straight up and down.

  9. Hi :) I love your blog and YT tutorials! You are doing some amazing things on your nails! And idea of QR codes on nails is brilliant and unique!

    As about newspaper prints - i like it beceause it's easy and i have no talent for manual stuff :) so i can do it myself! And in my experience there few steps which might help you next time:

    - chepest newspaper are better - more transferable, and the paper is thiner, so it soaks better
    - few drops of nail polish remover into shot glass of alcohol helps with transfer
    - puting nail into alcohol (for me the best job was done by vodka - around 40%; with stronger alcohol like yours prints were more grey than black...)
    - puting newspaper piece into alcohol before applied on nail
    - puting cotton ball moist with alcohol (only) when newspaper is on your nail, for about 10 sec.
    - aplying newspapers on almost dry but not totaly dry nail polish :)

    - glossy newspaper is not working :)

    I am waiting for your next posts.


  10. Your nail art is really creative and unique.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)

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