So, I realized a week or so ago that I hadn't posted ANY books yet in 2011. Some of these it's been so long I'll admit I'm a little fuzzy on all of the details LOL, but I do know I enjoyed them all at the time. So here's some of what I've been reading so far this year:
Cameron Haley
The Underworld Cycle
Book 1
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
I read the prequel short story for this series in the Harvest Moon anthology. As much as I enjoy reading an established, long-running series, there's also still a thrill in discovering a fun new author.
Emma Holly
Tales of the Demon World
Book 3
Historical Paranormal Romance
I was on the edge the whole book waiting for something ... well, horrible to happen & cause all kinds of problems. I was both a little relieved & a little upset when everything actually went smoothly.
Emma Holly
Fitz Clare Chronicles Book 9
Historical Paranormal Romance
This was a good book, filling in some of Durand's history from his human life, and I enjoyed it right up to the end, when (***SPOILER***) Grace looses her memory of the entire thing!
Paranormal Romance
This anthology featured stories from MaryJanice Davidson, Catherine Spangler, Emma Holly, & Vickie Taylor.
Nalini Singh
Guild Hunter
Book 3
Paranormal Romance
Talk about mommy issues - Elena & Raphael both have plenty, although since hers is dead & his still alive, he may actually have the opportunity to work his issues out.
Emma Holly
Paranormal Romance
Would you be surprised if I told you there were fairies? No? LOL, well there are ghosts & many other fey creatures also in this strange little town.
Angela Knight
Book 7
Paranormal Romance
Another one with one of the main characters running around with memory loss. Seems like I've had quite a few of those lately, including some that are not included in this part of the book list.
Emma Holly
Fitz Clare Chronicles Book 10
Paranormal Romance
This book picks up almost right where Devil at Midnight left off.
This anthology featured stories from Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon, Rosemary Edghill & Denise McCune, Elizabeth A Vaughan, Mickey Sucker Reichert, Elisabeth Waters, Kristen Schwengel, Brenda Cooper, Stephanie Shaver, Kate Paulk, Sarah A Hoyt, Tanya Huff, Fiona Patton, Judith Tarr, Nancy Asire, Michael Z. Williamson, & Gail Sanders.
Eileen Wilks
World of the Lupi
Book 6
Paranormal Romance
I always wish for just a bit more romance in this series, but the whole storyline is so deep that I forgive the author. This one ended on a bit of a cliffhanger - not as bad as some that have had me tearing out my hair lately, but bad enough & with an ominous prophecy to go along with it.
So, that's what I read through the end of February =) I'll try to post up some more later - I am approaching 30 overall for the year but it gets harder & harder sometimes to fit in, it's like there's always something I could be doing online & I will feel a tiny bit guilty if I am reading when I know there are things like email I could/should be getting caught up with. But sometimes I just need to relax.
Thanks for reading about what I'm reading ;)
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ReplyDeleteYou're kickin' butt on the books, girl! I haven't read nearly as much I usually do the past few months with all the weddings and such going on. There's a lot of books I have on a mental list that I want to get to eventually though.
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, do you get paperbacks or do you have e-reader? I've found that I read so much more since I got a kindle a few years ago.
:X This is totally off topic, but did you hear about the free Rimmel nail polish? Rimmels facebook or so is giving away 2 dollar off coupons, and right now at walgreens rimmel polish is 2 for 4 dollars! There is more info on my blog. Hope you read this comment soon! ~Kim
ReplyDeleteI know keep account of the books I read thanks to you. I've read the Emma Holly series and love it. I want more! I've also started to read more again. I've read more this year than all of last year. There's a few authors here I haven't read. I keep lists of books I want to read. What's insane is that I couldn't even read a book a day and put a dent in my list. If I didn't play games on Facebook or read blogs I might get more read. Not going to happen!
I love that your introducing me to some awesome books!
ReplyDeleteKeep these lists inc! xxx