
Monday, December 27, 2010

NOTD: Holographic Gold Foil + Tutorial

This was my Christmas Day manicure ... what better time for a super-bling mani?  Even one that wouldn't last that long.  I applied these holographic gold foils, "Vibrant Yellow," & I was prepared to be very careful with my hands for the day: 

Unfortunately, the wear was even worse than I expected ... if you know about foils, you probably know that top coat will make it wrinkle/crackle & the design just doesn't look as cool after that.  And so this time I thought I would skip the topcoat to keep as much of the holo bling as possible.  And by the time I got to my grandparent's house, they had already degenerated to this:
Now mind, the only thing I did was to put on my gloves & drive over.  They continued to scratch at the very slightest contact, and I eventually scraped the whole thing off, leaving behind the base color of Milani 3D.  If I ever put myself through this again, I guess I'll go with topcoat, even if it does crinkle.
(The first time I wore foils, I did a topcoat comparison, and you can check it out HERE if you're interested)
I did shoot a quick tutorial on the foil application - my sloppiest one ever I think LOL, but you get the drift:
Have you ever tried foils?  Any magical secrets to share for better wear and/or better application? 
Thanks for reading =)


  1. All holo's fade and ruin if you put a top coat on them. The only foils that work with a top coat (LA Girl's top coat) are the prints. Very disappointed with the holo's, no top coat works! Maybe one day the manufacturers will come up with something!

  2. Ohh that is Blinging out! I never tried foils actually! I might need to invent a reason to try some :P

  3. I ADORE the way foils look, and I found a topcoat that even WORKS with the holographic ones pretty well. It does crinkle a little bit, but it doesn't last (in other words, it does straighten back out once the topcoat dries)....HOWEVER, it doesn't really help the foil to last any better, sadly.

    The one that I LOVE for foils (and actually, for EVERYTHING) is the Rimmel SuperWear! Foils were ruined at the end of the day -- but a "normal" manicure has lasted over THREE WEEKS for me and that is just unheard of for me! Now it wasn't perfect, of course...the cuticle ends of my nails looked funky because of growth, but the manicure itself still looked pretty darn good!

    I am going on 1.5 weeks on this one and it's still looking amazing (this time, it's a french mani), so I will continue to use this stuff even over my not so beloved anymore Seche Vite!

    LOVE the looks of your mani, and I even have that exact foil, but I don't know when I will ever use it again...Just too much work for an hour of enjoyment! Maybe I will do an accent nail to try to use up the ten thousand vials I bought :-/

    1. So once I place the Rimmel SuperWear on top of my foil application it would work perfectly? Is that what your saying? cause Im thinking if I use my uv top coat (no lamp is needed) over the Rimmel SuperWear, That it would seal in my foil nail art defiantly for two weeks, but only for acrylic tips.

  4. Looks like a brilliant idea. Too bad top coat ruins it. :(

  5. Good morning! OH NO! i think i wasted my money then, i'm waiting some foils i bought, what a disappointment even before trying.

  6. I love nail foil but it is not to wear i think lol..
    there is a coat special for foils...
    I don't have it but I've heard that ist great..

  7. I tried chocolate foil on my tips only, from I put on two coats of Orly top base base coat in one. It lasted a good one week. The only part that looked bad was on only one thumb actually, the very tip wore off, but I just covered with nail polish and more top coat, and the color matched. The foil was not as shiny as your gold, so maybe that's why it lasted longer.

  8. That's a spectacular looking foil. Shame it didn't last. Gorgeous while it did!

  9. Where do you get the foil from

  10. Where do you get the foil from

    1. dollar nail art sells rolls of foil for a dollar

  11. One of the nail artists I follow, Robin Moses uses foils as an accent in some of her designs, she stays away from the foil glue that comes with the foil and uses "the best glue ever" you can Google it , I got it from a craft website. She thinks it doesn't crackle as much with this glue. She doesn't do an entire nail in the foil but maybe this glue will help with a not so expensive topcoat

  12. if you put a thin coat of the foil adhesive as a top coat and when that dries put a regular top coat i have found it to work.

  13. Coco- I'm definitely trying that. It makes perfect sense. If the adhesive doesn't ruin the foil from underneath, it shouldn't ruin it from on top! I also use The Best Glue Ever (from sp?) but for foils, you water it down 50/50 with water. I also remove the brown foil backing with acetone and it goes on much smoother and sticks better. Downside to doing that is that once the brown backing is off, you can scratch off the foil super easy so be delicate with it.

  14. I don't know if it is the glue that came with my foils, but they do take some practising.....they look great so im not giving up.

  15. I wonder how a gel top coat would work ... anyone know?

    1. Gel top coat wrinkles too. I was watching another foil application video and she suggested using a Water Based craft paint. I haven't found one yet but I'll be trying it. It's a shame these don't last longer.


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