
Sunday, December 26, 2010

NOTD: Red, Gold & White Christmas Water Marble + Tutorial

I actually meant to get this up yesterday, and didn't get around to it.  I had an excellent Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day - my mom is really great at paying attention during the year when I mention liking something, then I get it for Christmas & I've forgotten all about it, so I'm totally shocked & happy =)  I got a Shiatsu foot massager & a jewelry box among many other great gifts.
This is the manicure I wore Thursday & Friday - my last successful Christmas mani I'll admit.  I thought I do foils for the big day - Jeez, what a huge FAIL.  But it will still get it's own post, I got some OK pics the 5 minutes they stayed looking good.
For this marble, I started with a base color of Finger Paints Spun Sugar, a creamy off-white,, then marbled SS, Finger Paints Butterscotch Cookie & Sally Hansen Perfect Match:

My favorites were my left pinky, ring & thumb, and my right thumb.  Here's the tutorial:
Did you get what you wanted from Santa?  I hope so =)  Thanks for reading.


  1. This is really pretty. You always have great designs :]

  2. this marble design looks so unique and how a marble should really look. always love your designs (=

  3. I love this design. Happy holidays :)

  4. this is gorgeous!!
    I love marble..
    and special your marble's!!
    your are the best in marble!!

  5. Those colors go really well together.

  6. Great marble, as usual. I love the color combo !

  7. Yes I get what I wanted!!
    So gorgeous this WM!!
    Merry christmas! (Late sorry )= )

  8. I so admire your marbling never looks so good on me.

  9. Oh Colette, it is magnificent... I want to ask you for something: you would like to look for me for the poliish Sequin Scandal de Sally Hansen and to send it to me in France. I would pay you the polish and the postal charges. By Paypal if you want. Thank you for saying to me Colette if you agree and if you finds it because even on internet I can't find him it. I join you my e-mail address Thank you in advance

  10. Hi : )

    Can I use any nail polish to the water marble, or do I have use a specific brand for it to work?

    Greetings from Norway

  11. Another beauty of a manicure. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas. You have a wonderful Mom, she actually pays attention. Mine did too and I miss her badly.

  12. Fascinating!! You've been outdoing yourself with these "spiderweb" ones lately. I can't wait to try them myself.

  13. amazing! i loooove this marble!

  14. This is art, I like it (:

  15. Hi Colette,

    You have an amazing talent and i love your designs and work

    Just out of curiosity, can we use normal nail polish or as specified by your work? Would luv to try it


  16. PARIS - you can use any brand of polish, but not all colors work =)

  17. SUPER COOL!!!!! Nice marble. ;D

  18. Hi! I'm curious about taping around the hand. Do you have a video or step by, that shows how to tape the fingers for this? Thanks!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)