
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Naked Nails 12-26-10

It's been a while since I did a naked nails post ... partly because I'm so far behind with other stuff, partly because they've been a mess under the polish LOL.  But I wanted to have my biggest canvas possible for all my holiday designs =)  Now that the holidays are about over though, I decided I should cut them down a bit before I had an accident, and get rid of some of the patches ... unfortunately I decided this like a day too late, after I managed to get a tear on my right index at the very start of the free edge =(
Here is the before - about 9mm of free edge on the left, a little shorter on the right ... middle was showing it's curve way too much also, some days worse than other for whatever reason:

And here is the after - about 6 mm of free edge:
Still long for most people & I guess they look good (if a tad chunky) but I just prefer them longer.  As if I had any doubt LOL.  Hopefully this will be the last time I have to patch the left index, the break is almost grown out to a decent length.  I don't exactly mind patching at this point, but this particular one has just been a PITA.  Only upside is that it seems to be growing out straighter than before, it was as curved as the middle still is.
I'm thinking about doing a test to see how fast I can whiten them up but I'm too lazy so far.  I was going to pick a treatment & do it every day, or every day I change my polish, and take pics each time ... but I just don't really care that much LOL, they're covered in polish all the time so what's the point?
Do you bother trying to keep your nails white?  What's your favorite product?
Thanks for reading.



  1. I dont comment enough in here but your nails are beautiful as always

  2. For stains I use Sally Hansen no more stains hydrating stain barrier its seems to help quite a bit! you nails look great though.

  3. Wow! Looking strong and healthy!
    I would love to have them as long as you have, but they tear up way too often (at the beginning of the free edge) and usually when I don't have any patches with me :(
    What's your secret?

  4. Thats the length I want my nails to be but right now they are short so its getting there.

  5. my index fingers curve all weird and i found that when i take a shower or bath they straighten out, so i suppose your nails are curving according to the moisture in the air. hah i dunno, just a thought. You know i've had a few nasty comments from people about my nails and how they're too long and they aren't crazy long, I figure they're just jealous. hah

  6. I haven't found anything that works in keeping my nails from staining....yet!
    Your nails look great!

  7. I've heard lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil works, but haven't gotten time to try it :/

  8. nope, never tried to keep it white, its always covered with polish anyway.. Its been a while since I went out with naked nails =)

  9. I swear by ASP Nail Paste. It's available at Sally's for about $5.

    An insta-fix is "yellow-out" topcoat also a sally's buy abour $5.

    I can't get my patch work to last more than a week...I just bite the bullet and trim away.

  10. oh i didn't know your nails were real. they're so strong!

  11. I'd love to find something that would take the yellow out of my nails...I've heard of baking soda and vinegar, but I tried that and it didn't work. I just got shrively, funny-smelling fingers. :)

  12. Your nails look great unfortune for me I now have to start over what my nails were a day ago. I was shoveling snow here in the NYC and broke some nails. I love watching the marbling you do in different colors gorgeous work by the way. You nails are super lovely and may God bless them its a pleasure to see you video and how much time you out in your nails. Great Job Happy NEW Year Colette c u next vids

  13. Your nails still are super long to me. They just look gorgeous. My nails are little nubbins that I have to keep short. I've been having such problems with my nails. I did research on my nails and I have psoriasis on my nails. They aren't really horrible but not good. I have to see a dermatologist. Only 5% of the population only has them in the nails. That's me and thank God I don't have it on the rest of my skin. I have to get some medicine so my nails will improbe. I just hope I'll be able to polish my nails.

  14. Right now my nails are white, and I'm trying to keep them so by not wearing polish everyday, but taking breaks in between. I think I'll try some whitening methods, to make sure no stains will appear.

  15. they look so strong! people pay 100's of dollars a month to have what you have naturally! love it and i have true nail envy right now xD

  16. Once upon a time I tried straight hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip, or a weak solution as a short soak (Just don't use it straight as a soak, it eats your skin.) both of which are effective but for the last few years I've used (with no side effects) Bubble White which I got at Sally's. With regular use it does make a significant difference in the whiteness of your nails and it actually softens my skin as well.

  17. I wish my nails could grow that long without any bending or curving! The corners always break & I end up having to cut them. Wahhhh. =[

    xo Nicole

  18. You have awesome natural nails, girl!

  19. I have been told polident (the stuff for dentures) works well to get rid of the yellowing. I try to put a couple layers of undercoat on staining colors! Your nails are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!



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