
Saturday, October 22, 2011

NOTD: OPI Zom-Body To Love

I originally saw OPI's Halloween Spookette mini set at Ulta, convinced myself I didn't need it - and then changed my mind LOL.  Of course by that time I couldn't find any, so I ended up ordering it from Amazon, which was OK because it was a little cheaper than it would have been in-store, even after shipping charges.
This is the first of OPI's glow in the dark polishes I've tried - unsurprisingly it's pretty sheer, I started with a white base & then did 3 coats of Zom-Body to Love (which put a serious dent in the mini bottle LOL) to get this color green - stamping is done with Black special polish & Bundle Monster image plate bm224:

Although it's a pumpkin, from certain angles I keep swearing it's a skull head =)  Of course, if you're a photographer you know shooting in low light or the dark can be a challenge, but I managed to get a couple of pretty decent shots of it glowing for you - it doesn't stay this bright for long, but it sure is fun while it lasts:

I was going to do a video, but for whatever reason my camera refused to cooperate, it was no where near that bright in video mode so I ended up skipping it. 
I've read that all of OPI's glow in the dark polish, regardless of color, glows green - the set of Icing glows that I recently picked up & will show in my next haul, actually glow the color of the polish, so I'm looking forward to showing you guys those as well =)
Thanks for reading.



  1. That's an awesome manicure! Love the color & the stamp. Perfect Halloween mani.

  2. I realllly want a glow in the dark polish, they look so cool!

  3. wow they realy glowwww, looks great!

  4. I seriously LOVE how you can still see the stamp in the dark!

  5. I liked the China Glaze Ghoulish Glow better myself just for the color but the OPI glows awesomely as well! Love the design!

  6. this is so FREAKING AWESOME!!!
    follow me ill follow you back !!


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