
Friday, October 21, 2011

NOTD: Green Water Marble for Depression Awareness + Tutorial

I try to do at least one manicure every year for Depression Awareness Month.  I think a lot of people still don't know about it, and just getting the word out there can do so much.  This year I did another water marble, like last year.  Base color is Ulta Limelight, marbling done with Limelight & Nubar Forest:

My favorite nails are - my left ring (flawless!  seriously) left thumb, right ring & thumb:

Here's the tutorial:

All my readers who are fellow bloggers, I encourage you to help spread the word also, if you haven't already =)

Thanks for reading.



  1. thanks for sharing :) awesome water marbling!

  2. I almost bought that Limelight polish when it was on sale, wish I would have now!

  3. This is really pretty, I love green. Good for you for promoting depression awareness, I'm trying to post one green polish a week for it.

  4. This is so simple, but stunning! I don't comment often, but I read your blog every day, and I love your water marbles! :)

  5. Wonderful! Love your blog and youtube channel:)))

  6. Thanks for sharing another marble tutorial =D

  7. That's just insanely pretty! Well done :D

  8. aaaaaahh love the colours!! i like your tutorial and your nails are great!!


  9. If possible, would you do a nail of the day with China Glaze It's Alive? Thanks for considering this!

  10. Awesome marbled and combo... I love it!

  11. I love the color combo. And that ur supportn a gd cause.

    Check me out

  12. I really hope someday I master the water marble the way you have.

    I did my own Depression Awareness water marble, which you can see here

    As you can see, I ended up with a number of spots on the surface from little water droplets. Do you have any tips for me on avoiding that.

  13. DESERTNAILS8 - I actually didn't pick up any of the China Glaze halloween colors this year

    SARAH - My 3 main tips to prevent bubbles would be: make sure there are none in the polish before you dip you nail (you can pop those), dip in & out slowly, and make sure to get rid of any water drops on your nail - if they won't drip or shake off, you can use the corner of a paper towel to absorb them. HTH =)

  14. Fabulous! And, for a great cause. I link to some of your stuff every now and then for Teal Toes (painting nails Teal-- the color of ovarian cancer awareness-- to raise awareness of ovarian cancer).

  15. makes it really fun to watch your videos
    and that is always risultat very nice:)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)