
Saturday, October 22, 2011

NOTD: Halloween Mummy Water Marble + Tutorial

I feel like Halloween is a holiday that I'm almost obligated to do extra-crazy nail art =)  & so what better excuse to bust out the googly-eyes?  My base for this marble was 2 coats of OPI Calling All Goddesses!, marbling done with CaG, OPI Ti-Tan Your Toga & China Glaze Ingrid:

The black I used for the "mask" section was just Wet 'n' Wild Black Creme.  I'm sure there are other places you can run across googly-eyes than where I got them too, you just have to keep an eye out =)  I did manage to smudge a few nails on my right hand but I corrected them as best I could.
Here's the tutorial:
Only about week until Halloween!  Except I don't know if that's enough time to fit in all my ideas ... probably not LOL, a few of the ones I've already done this year have been waiting since last year =)
Thanks for reading.


  1. I've never seen a mummy nail art, I love it!!

  2. I've seen a couple mummy nail art tutorials online, when I was searching for Halloween designs, but doing it with a water marble is a pretty genius idea. Love this!

  3. this is super cool, your very creative!

  4. awesome!!! im gonna try free hand, without water marble because i havent mastered it yet. and minus the real eyes. ill paint them on. should still turn out cool!

  5. OMG how cute is that!!! Love it!

  6. awesome...i was thinking about doing something similar...but this is better! great job! :) love it!

  7. These are almost too cute! Really love it! :)

  8. CUTE!!! There are too many Halloween nails I want to do and not enough time!

  9. I LOVE this! And the googly eyes are an awesome touch! I may have to try this before Halloween if I have time!

  10. Super cute! This is the cutest halloween nail design I've ever seen =D

  11. Holy crap that's awesome! You did an amazing job with this!

  12. This is the cutest halloween design ever Colette! I love it! :)

  13. This is sooooo awesome! I love it!!!

    Ms Jelena xx

  14. omg this is adorable!! you make the mummies look so cute:D please check out my blog- (: thanks!

  15. You do fantastic nail art!

    Btw, after watching one of your videos, I tried marbling and it ended up a failure. I don't know why but there are times when the polish doesn't spread out when dropped in the water. Can marbling be done using any brand/kind of nail polish?


  16. That's the greatest thing I've ever seen you do. :D

  17. That is amazing! Something I would never have thought of. I love your marbling anyway, and this one takes the cake. lol

    Love it!!

  18. omg how cute! i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Looks amazing! you did a great job!

  19. omg this is so cute! you should so adapt this style and do teenage mutant hero turtles too! lovelovelove this!


  20. That's amazing! And so creative, I would never have thought of something like that xx

  21. I just love your nails.. and ssssttt! I love you also!! ^^

    x Laura (

  22. Haha, this is gorgeous, I love the eyes :) I've seen a free hand mummy mani on YouTube these days and wanted to try this. But now that I've seen your water marble mummy, I prefer this one! Thanks for the tutorial!

  23. Wow, that's amazing! :) Nice work :)

  24. Haha those are awesome...! I just did some Konad nail art, that was what my imagination could come up with :P

  25. I love that you water marbled this!! The googly eyes are perfect!

    You had a great idea!!! This is funny and simple and complex at the same time, A+++++!!!!

  27. I love mummy-nails, but haven't seen anyone do marbled before, it makes a very nice touch! I also love the googly-eyes, they are utter genius! And adorable :D Would love to use them for other holiday nails, like reindeer :3 Thanks so much!

  28. !!!! real googly eyes! Dying!!!! These are awesome :)

  29. I know it's way to early for this but all these Halloween nails have me in the holiday mood... have you ever done a peppermint/candy cane swirl water marble? I want to try something like that when it gets closer to the right holiday :P

    ❤ Karen
    Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade

  30. This! This is why you are a genius.

  31. Omg this it too fly. Amazing, just brilliant!

  32. These are some of the more original Halloween nails I've seen. They're awesome!

  33. This is amazing!! Your water marble skills are just beyond beyond. Seriously. I tried to duplicate this look for my shorter nails and without marbling, I wish you could see it on my FB page. I posted it there after I shared your video. Mine isn't nearly as nice as yours, but I did what I could... I LOVE this look!!! :)

  34. Cutest mani ever! :-)

    Makes me so happy just looking at it! (Especially in the vid where it looks like the mummies are actually painting the rest of your nails...)

    Thank you for making my day and always being so generous with yourself!

  35. Incredible! You are definitely the Queen of Marbling

  36. You should enter this in the Bundle Monster Giveaway! It's halloween themed!
    Also, could you check out my new blog andfollow it?
    I have no followers:\

  37. This is tooo stinkin' cute!!!! I'm gonna have to try this out!

  38. Okay, this is the best and cutest Halloween mani I have ever seen - the googly eyes take the cake! Well done!


  39. MICA - no, not every color works for marble - also be sure to use room temperature filtered water

    K MO - I've done red white & green but not just red & white - maybe this year if I can find a combo that doesn't bleed together

  40. I LOVE this mani!! Especially the googly eyes :-)

  41. Beautiful!!! How many mm (millimeters) are your googly-eyes??? Tks

  42. We love this Nail Art and it has made it onto our latest Halloween Nail Art blog post (you have been credited with full links back to your blog) - it is such an inspiring piece of work :) read the post here.

  43. Awww that was so cute! I'll surely share that to my pinterest board if you will allow me too. Cheers!

    ~ Cristine
    Halloween Makeup Ideas

  44. خدماتنا فى شركة الشامل نـظـــافـه عــامـــه للـمـنـــازل بالـريـــاض وتـنــظيــــف الخزانــات وبـيــــوت الشـعــــر والـمــجـالـــس والـمــوكيــت مع التـعـطـيــــر شفط بيــارات مع التـظـــيف - مكافحة الحشرات والنــــمل الابيض جلي وتلميع الرخام - نظافة الـــــعمائر والفـــلل والقصــــــــــــــور ( نـــــــقل العـــــــــفش ) نـقـــل الـعـفــــش مــع الفــك والتـركـيـب الـى كـل احيـاء الرياض وبـأرخـــص الاسـعـــار مـــع الضـمـــان ونـقــل العفش ايضا إلى جميع مـــدن المملكةكراتــــــــــــــــين وبلاستـــــيك مــــــجانــــاً ( رش مـبــيــــــــدات ) رش مبيدات بالرياض لابادة جميع انواع الحشرات وخاصة ان لنا طرق خاصة فى رش المبيدات وذلك للقضاء تماما على كل انواع الحشرات حتى تكون انت وبيتك فى امان !! انت معنا فى امان !! ( كشف التــــــــسربات ) كــــــــشـــــــــــف تسربات الميـــــــاه بدون تكسير وبأحدث الأجهزة نحدد موقع التسرب ونقوم بأصلاحه وبأفــضل الحــــلول والـــطرق حيــث أن عـــــملنا مـــع :. الضمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـان ( العـــــــــــــــــــــوازل ) عوازل : عزل أسطح - خزانات - بــــــــيارات - مـــــــــــــــــــسابح نظافة خزانات ومسابح مع الـــعـزل والـــتـعقيم والـــــــــــــــصيانة ( الفــــــــــــــــــــــروع ) اتصل الان .. 0569075545 .. فرعونا في (الرياض - جدة - الدمام - مكة المكرمة)

  45. [url=]شركة تنظيف[/url]


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