
Sunday, December 19, 2010

NOTD: China Glaze Cheers to You

China Glaze Cheers to You is from their holiday collection - and if they wanted people to actually use the collection name, they should have made it shorter LOL.  This color is not exactly unique, but it's beautiful for what it is:
I think I will be doing some marbling over top of this tonight if I have time, so stay tuned for that =)  Thanks for reading.


  1. I just found out about marbeling a couple of days ago (wow!) and came accross your site today- just wanted to let you know how great I think your blog and tutorials are. Your nail art is amazing.

  2. No, not unique, but still one of my faves from the collection!

  3. I love how bright and shiny this is.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)