
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bachman's Holiday Idea House

We went to check out the Bachman's Holiday Idea House back on the 3rd, & I've been procrastinating on editing the pics, but I thought I better get my butt in gear & post them before Christmas is over!
We started out with lunch at their cafe, Patrick's:
They also had pastries, but we got those after the meal packaged to go, so I didn't get any pics.  Then we went across the parking lot, this house is like the old family homestead of something & they decorate it four times a year.  Although some of this stuff was ridiculously overpriced, but there were a lot of cute ideas (which I guess is the point LOL).  The outside was very decorated, although it was starting to get snow-covered as we were there:

And then of course the inside was decorated as well:

Of course I gravitated toward salt shakers filled with glitter!

Thanks for reading =)

1 comment:

  1. Delicious looking lunch. Much better than my banana. Love the cardinal piece.


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