
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cookie Day Part 2

Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the year, right up there with Christmas day itself =)  Baking, frosting, exchanging & making up trays, we did 13 tins & trays for family & friends this year:
And here are the cookies!  Lime Coolers (made by mom):

Sugar cookies with sprinkles:

Apricot nectar cookies (me):

Sesame seed logs (my aunt):

Gingerbread people (made by mom but decorated by me):

Marzipan balls with frosting (grandma):

Haystacks (grandma):

Nut butter balls I think ... I don't eat them since I'm allergic LOL (grandma):

Sesame cookies (grandma):

I don't know what these are called a lady at my mom's work didn't want to take home the leftovers so she gave them to my mom:

Rosettes (my aunt):

Fruity foldovers in lemon curd & blackberry (me)

Two kinds of toffee (also from mom's work):

And of course the frosted sugar cookies:

Here are some of my favorite decorated sugar cookies:
Want to do your own cookie marbling?  I did a tutorial:
We're in the final countdown, I can't believe it's less than a week until Christmas!  I am actually done with shopping & wrapped everything tonight - are you done, or still running around?
Thanks for reading.


  1. This is such a great tradition. Everything looks delicious!

  2. omg you have marbled cookies. too cute! looks like you all had a great time :)

  3. First off I need some rice milk (allergic to cow's milk) after seeing all of those cookies, esp those sugar cookies!!! Oh oh oh my mouth is watering!

  4. BEAUTIFUL! Do you have the recipe for the sugar cookies and foldovers? Thank you!

  5. Am I the only one who gets hungry for cookies?! To bad I'm on a diet. Ahah

  6. All the cookies look so delicious. Love your special touches. I miss baking cookies with my Mother. It was so much fun and so delicious!

  7. *drools* That looks so delicious and those marble cookies, lol!

  8. I posted a comment on your video on youtube, but I thought it might be easier for you to answer on here. About how much powdered sugar & milk you used? And I was also wondering if there's a specific type of milk that you think works best?

  9. Wow, those sugar cookies are so cool! And I love the mermaid gingerbread haha!

  10. they look soo yummy. the gingerbread mermaid was too cute. the rosettes look like funnel cake...they look really good.

  11. Wow those cookies look beautiful! Merry Christmas, I don't comment much but I always love your blog!

  12. I want to taste them all!!!! I love family traditions :) We bake cakes and muffins in my kitchen around the holidays . Thank you for the delicious post

  13. OMG! Wished I was over at the house when you had these! lol Do you have any leftovers? I wouldn't be surprised! ;o)

  14. AAAAaaarg!!!!!! i supposed to be on a diet but now i have the sudden urge to eat cookies!!!! LOL!!!! they are soo cute!

  15. omg all those cookies look sooo DELICOUSE!!! Hope I try the marble cookies(:

  16. This post is making me hungry for Christmas cookies! =P I love the marbling with frosting! =D


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