
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NOTD: Star of Bethlehem Water Marble + Tutorial

So I did marble on top of China Glaze Cheers to You, although I wasn't able to use that color in the marble ... it just wasn't flowing smoothly in the water for the design I was trying to do.  The blue is China Glaze Little Drummer boy, and since CtY wasn't working, I grabbed China Glaze Swing Baby - it is kind of metallic taupe in the bottle, but in the water & on the nail, especially over my existing mani, it goes much more silver.  I'd like to wear it alone sometime.  You can interpret this design in several ways, but to go with the holiday I'm sticking with the Star of Bethlehem:

Here's the tutorial:
Thanks for reading =)


  1. WOW! so pretty
    Thanks for the video :)

  2. This is gorgeous! Thanks for the tutorial!

  3. Amazing video! Thanks for the great "tips" ;)

  4. WOW this does not look like a marbling! the shape is perfectly repeated on each nail and the lines are so sharp, it looks like you sat there and painstakingly taped it out. what an interesting concept, thanks for sharing your secrets!!

  5. I just wanted to say that I love your videos! They help me out so much whenever I try a marble design, thank you!

  6. Beautiful. Your nails look like star sapphires.

  7. This is my favorite design from you to date!! I dnt really have the patience to do water marbling but I HAVE to try this lol

  8. Aw, you're so creative with water marbling. This is just stunning! Happy Holidays!

  9. That's amazing!! I just love your tutorials! :D

  10. This is absolutely stunning! Thanks for the tips!

  11. really a great mani!! love your idea for the star

  12. I really LOVE your manicures every single time!
    And I was so surprised that you did this wit water marble... It's so creative!

    I love it!

  13. Gorgeous! I love this, it looks so simple, but it's so nice! Must try it out.

  14. I haven't commented on your blog before, but I have been reading it for a couple of months. This water marble is so beautiful!

    I have to also say thank you for all your water marble tutorials, I marbled my nails for the first time a few weeks ago and it was so much easier than I expected!

  15. This is so amazing! I didn't even think it was a water marble when I saw the photo!

  16. wow i've never ever seen such a beautiful and original marble design!

  17. I love blog and all of your tutorials! I am writing to give you a heads up on a deal I foundon polish at my local Dollar's Maybelline duo polishes..I got one that has the colors Charm cherry(which is a shimmery red) and Zip fly(which is a glittery midnight blue..sorta like dark denims)both are very pretty! Keep the tutorials coming and I'll keep watching!
    Merry Christmas to you!

  18. You just "sleigh" me with your water marble manicures. It's absolutely beautiful. The Star of Bethlehem in the night sky. It's one moving manicure. God bless you and Merry Christmas.

  19. I really like this design! Thank you so much for taking the time to make these videos.

  20. hello :D
    I recently tried water marbling and it really worked. I fell in live with it!
    but I would like to ask you how not to have my whole finger full of pollish.. I tried with the scotch tape but it didnt really worked.
    Ive been searching your blog for information about how to put the scotch tape on my nail bt I didnt really find anything.. can you send me an link pleasee? :D:D:D
    thank you so much!
    your work is wonderful!!! ;)

  21. I just finished this one. I love it but some of my stars came out wobbly. Maybe with more practice it will be perfect. I used orly platinum and opi yoga-ta get this blue


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)