
Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Day Off ... Kinda

Thanks to everyone for the kind wishes on yesterday's post =)  I am kind of taking a day off today, at least in regards to actually answering comments, editing pics & etc.  But just so you know I love you guys, a couple pics to tide you over of one of my favorite "people" - Frisky.  Here sleeping on my bed & practically sliding off head first LOL:
And here she looks like she's seriously stalking something - really she was just getting up & changing lounging positions outside XD:
I'll have pics edited for Ulta Envy (awesome duo-chrome goodness, best I've worn in a while) tomorrow.  Thanks for reading.


  1. Mitten paws!! My mom had cats with mitten paws when she was a girl :) very cute!

  2. Ah she's lovely! My sister has an elderly tortie shell kitty called toffee whose currently 17, looks just like your frisky too!

  3. Awww, she is polydactyl? Frisky is adorable, she looks just like my Anneliese sleeping on the bed like that, hehe.

  4. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful kitty cat!

  5. Awww polydactyl Frisky!! So amazing. :)

  6. Such a sweet cat! Lovely pictures!

  7. OMG, look at all those toes! What a cutie. Oh, my cat is my fav "person" (purrson?) in the world, but I'm not a big fan of people in general. ;-)

  8. EVERYONE - seems like polish lovers are all animal lovers =) I actually did a whole post on Frisky & her toes - HERE if anyone is interested =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)