
Saturday, August 7, 2010

NOTD: Ulta Jaded

I meant to get this up last night but obviously failed.  Ulta Jaded is a gorgeous duo-chrome, golden green turning to blue, and I had a heck of a time capturing it on camera.  I did take a video, but I didn't really care for how it came out ... so I just have picspam for you guys =)  Enjoy:
Thanks for reading.



  1. very pretty @ if you dont mind me asking what kind of camera you use?

  2. I like that.

    I see that your nails are growing out nicely.

  3. it looks gorgeous on you :) I haven't taken the time to comment in a while though I keep checking out your lovely pics, sorry about that.

  4. yes, the word gorgeous describes it the best!

  5. WOW...lovin the chrome show ! So dazzling, so mesmerising, so hypnotic simply gorgeous Colette! BTW, Ice Queen is right your nails are growing out nicely.

  6. I like that hint of green it seems to have.

  7. EVERYONE - Thank you =)

    SHELL - I use a Canon Powershot SD600 - it is pretty old but still takes decent pics, although I am a little dissatisfied with the video limitations.

    ICE QUEEN, DAVE - They are =) This is a very comfortable length for me, not as long as I'd like but very functional - although I may be behaving too casually with them, since I've recently had 2 big breaks I had to patch =(

    CHOCADDICT - =) I know the feeling, there just isn't enough time!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)