
Monday, May 10, 2010

Naked Nails (May) & Patching Tutorial

I finally did a video for how I do silk patches, so I thought it would be a good time to post up naked nails for the month too:

Pretty good condition aside from the tear in my left thumb that I just patched.  Still experimenting with basecoats, but they're not bad right now.  I wish they were a little whiter but they could be much worse as often as I have on dark colors.

Here's the tutorial for patching with silk wraps:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. They look great! I did a patch job (lasted about 1 month, now) using nail glue and a tea bag....worked gr8!!!

    I had to go to nubbins, though, going to a bowling tournament this weekend....yes, I bowl.


  2. Thanks for the demo. It helps a lot.

  3. I did a post on nekkid nails...good see to another one!! Thank you for sharing your patch work :)

  4. I've been patching away. Thanks for the tips!

    I tried not to go so square and it seems like I'm not breaking and peeling as much. Left hand looks great....right hand...having some problems.

  5. Hello I am writing you from Italy, forgive my English, use google translator, you're very good. I'm passionate about nail-art ... I have a blog recently and I've you added to my favorite links! Kiss
    Soffio di Dea

  6. your nails give me the jealous!

  7. thank you for the video, it's bookmarked ^^

  8. This was awesome! You have given me some really great tips to do better patches going forward. Mine were not looking to hot! lol

  9. Beautiful nailzz!! Wish mine were so nice, but I have too many ridges. Thanks for the tutorial, I'll be trying this on my middle fingernails (the bad fingers!) because they are always split and I seem to ram those nails against doors, drawers, anything in the way.

  10. Hello Colette !!
    I love your nails they are so beautiful and healthy ...

  11. Hello, Colette
    Loved your blog, I discovered now and will always attend but would like to know the name of this product and the brand, you could see for me makes this big favor?
    Thank you Simone

  12. I tried this last night. First time trying to patch my nails.

    Your nails are beautiful! I am sure you hear that a lot but another compliment never hurts.

  13. EVERYONE - Thank you all for the compliments!

    TIFFANI - Bowling! That sounds like it could be dangerous LOL, better to cut them down beforehand than to risk a break

    SOFFIO - Thank you, I'm flattered =)

    SIMONE - the brand of the silk wraps is Supernail Professional, the gel brand is IBD

  14. OMG, I have been cutting my nails off everytime I get a break..You have saved me.x0x0

  15. OMG!!! They Look So Beautiful and Perfect!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)