
Sunday, May 9, 2010

NOTD: China Glaze Sexy In The City + M31

This was Friday's NOTD, and I ended up wearing it all weekend due to both lack of time & laziness LOL.  As in, I really could have fit in a manicure if I'd tried a little harder.  But I'm glad I got some other things taken care of also ... a little bit of reorganization of my stash, shifting some things around to work with my new "layout" that includes my 3rd Helmer ... I'll probably post a few pics later.

On to the nails.  This is China Glaze Sexy In The City with Konad Image Plate m31 in white special polish:
I really liked this, only thing that kept irking me was people asking did I have snowflakes on my nails?  Which I guess I can see from a distance they do look similar, but aren't flowers much more logical in May?
Thanks for reading.



  1. I totally love sex and the city(the series), so I think I should buy sex IN the city as well. It's a nice colour!!

  2. My mum had this colour in her nail box and I got so excited when I was back home - it's lovely isn't it!

  3. Really love it.
    UM, snowflakes have STEMS??????????? LOL.
    Oh well they thought it was pretty and so do I.
    LOVE it,

  4. I have put this in my cart so many times, but always take it out....duh, I need this! SO pretty!


  5. Love your nails. Perfect shape and they seem so strong.

  6. Your blog is so useful!
    And I love your nails. How do you keep them so good looking? So hard and unbreable?

  7. This is so gorgeous! I bought M31 mainly for that flower design, I think it's so cute. This is one of my favorite konadicures you've ever done! :)

  8. Love this polish! It's a perfect summer color

  9. EVERYONE - Thank you all!

    NIHRIDA, JOHANNA - I wish they were as strong as they look LOL, they would be a mess without silk patches =)

  10. Howdy, I'm wearing this one now. Funny thing is when I took pictures for my flickr account the camera doesn't pick up on the green in the color. I thought it was just me but your pics are the same color as mine. This color is very turquoise. More turquoise than DV8 witch I also have. Pictures of it make it look just blue. Weird hu. I put spectraflair in my bottle. Now it's holographic sex in the city. Any how your nails are magnificent. I look to your blog for inspiration for mani creations. Check out my creation my flickr account name is scratchureyesout. Just google it. Have a great day.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)