
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

NOTD: L'Oreal Passport to Paradise Water Marble + Tutorial

FINALLY got around to this LOL.  I got the idea & mentioned it I think like 2 weeks ago?  It turned out pretty subtle, since the colors are all so close, but I liked it.  Would have worn it longer than a day ... if I hadn't apparently jinxed myself yesterday saying how pleased I was with my nails.  I got a big crack in my left middle before I even got in the door to work.  I had some topcoat in my desk - I will, after tomorrow have proper nail glue in my desk - so I put that on & it lasted until I could get home & patch it properly.  But it's worse than my thumb nail & I may have to file my nails a bit just to reduce the strain on this weak point.

On to the pretties.  You may be able to see the crack in some of these pics ... for this marble I used all 3 of the colors from L'Oreal's spring collection, Passport to Paradise:  High Tide, Waters Edge & Ocean Breeze.  My favorite nails are left index & ring, they picked up more of the "petals" as well as the swirl, like I originally envisioned.:

What do you guys think of the last pic?  I can't decide if i like it or if it just makes my hands look like some kind of octopus creature.  When I'm taking pictures of both hands I feel like I always end up with the same generic couple of poses though, so I try to do something different ... and that's the least objectionable of what I ended up with LOL.

Here's the tutorial:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. I like it, bright with a subtle darker colour.

  2. I love it!!! And thank you so much for the tutorials!!

  3. Stunning :) I love the water marble effect but when I attempted it, it totally didn't work :| perhaps the water was too cold?

  4. Light effect so nice i love it ^^
    I follow you on you tube too ( my name on YT is Sixfirette )
    I' m an addict of your WM :D

  5. LOOLL!! "octopus creature" so cute!

  6. I love it! <3 You're such an expert for water marbling! :) That technique is not for me. :(

  7. Love the manicure! Very spring-y lol.
    I'm not so sure about the pose though <.< While I didn't look at it and scream "Oh my god what IS that?!?!", it does look a bit like your right hand is trying to eat your left O.o
    Either way though, it doesn't detract from that gorgeous marble!

  8. EVERYONE - Thanks =)

    CHARLOTTE - that could be the case, I always use room-temperature filtered water.

    BLUEYEZ - LMAO! You will have seen I haven't repeated that pose LOL

  9. your amazing at nails!but in this video you cant really notice every colour that you used, so maybe next time you'll be able to use a few more darker tones to make this particular manicure more noticeable.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)