
Friday, March 6, 2009

The Shiny Uberness Is Here

And, more importantly, in proper working order! I promised before & after pics, and I didn't forget. I actually took an absurd amount of pics at every step of the unboxing & setup, but I won't subject you guys to all of that. I actually got it all set up last night, but I was super tired by the end & then I was gone most of the day today.

Here we are before. Polish all over the place, no surprise. I also have to mention that this desk is my baby, it came in 2 big boxes & I put it together all by myself. I got a really sweet deal on it from a really crappy website. There's really nothing so horrible about this computer, aside from the fact that it SUCKS:

Now, for the picture I will keep near to my heart every time I turn my back on a bottle of polish:

So, of course it took longer than I thought. Not difficult but tedious, especially trying to cram all the related cords behind my desk without actually moving the desk. Pros so far are that it worked the first time I pushed the power button, and the keyboard is really nice & quiet - not to mention the PC itself - after listening to my other one clutter & clank along, the new one's silent presence is enough to put a smile on my face.

Still a lot to do to get comfortable with this new machine, but hey, it's got the library set as my homepage, iTunes is all set up & ready to go with my full music library, and I have successfully both uploaded new pics (which was more of a hassle than I expected by I managed) & posted said pics on blog. So all the important stuff is covered.

I kind of expected that after a few hours of opening boxes & other manual labor that my nails would be in pretty poor shape, but I have to say in this aspect the Flying Dragon impressed me - I barely even have any tipwear, so if nothing else it's durable. Thanks for reading.



  1. congrats on the new computer. I just love new stuff!! I like that you went with the black instead of the white this time, it looks really good :)

  2. Congrats - looks spiffy! I hate actually breaking in a new computer, but love that brand new, fresh feel to one. Enjoy! :-)

  3. BROOKE - I wish I could claim it was intentional, but that's just how it turned out LOL. I do like it better though - just like the printer that was technically part of the package was just like mine but in silver, but they were sold out of that model so they gave me blue instead.

    JAMIE - The longest part was trasnferring my iTunes library! Other than that this thing does everything so quick - a far cry from my old one let me tell you.

  4. Hello Colette,
    Now this is pretty interesting. Thanks for sending this to me. I will keep up with the latest.
    Auntie J

  5. AUNTIE J - Glad you got the link & hope you enjoy =)


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