
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

NOTD: China Glaze Flying Dragon (Neon)

OK, so maybe I'm getting jaded, but this color did not really impress me. Maybe my hopes were too high. For one thing, for something that's got "neon" right on the label I thought it would be bright, and it actually turns out darker on the nail than on the bottle. Second, even though it's got like 2 kinds of glitter in it, it's not very sparkly.

Anyway, here we are, China Glaze Flying Dragon (Neon). Behold it's blurple refuse-to-be-photographed-properly beauty:

If you couldn't tell from my sarcasm, the color is off. It's got some blue glitter, but the base is most definitely purple. The real color is somewhere between the camera flash shot & the regular lamp shot colors. I was going to stick a silver Konad on it but couldn't pick one. I am definitely burned out with my current (8 plate) selection.

I'm also quite thoroughly sick of this no-buy crap. Thankfully, Mom came through in the pinch & got me a present:

Sinful Colors Green Ocean from their Shamrock Collection (I think that's what it's called ... if I'm off, I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about). My mom rocks. Thanks for reading.



  1. You have beautiful nails and I really like the colour on you!!Btw I think you should make a swatch with the green ocean immediatly!It looks amazing with those green flecks!

  2. I'm going to be receiving this ChG in the mail and I'm glad that you said it's not a neon. I know that everyone loves this color and all that, which is kinda why I got it: to see what all the hype is about.
    Thanks for the post!

  3. Love that color! I just got my last shipment of nail polish. No buying till after Lent. I bought 27 bottles of polish. Lots of China Glaze and OPI's.

  4. Awww...I just found that ChG in my house (I actually thought I'd imagined I bought it, just lost it @ home). I wanted it to be fab! *pouts*

    Maybe I'll just gift it away then.

  5. KATIE - I was going to try it out tonight but I ran out of time ... maybe tomorrow night.

    NESSA - Maybe they're counting the glitter bits as neon? LOL, because the base color sure doesn't deserve the distinction.

    LUCY - At least you know when your no buy will end =) I don't know how long I can force myself to endure the torture.

    THE PBG - I think try it before you give it away - I got several compliments on this color, which is kind of unusual for me - sometimes the manis I like best go unnoticed & then others like this surpise me with the attention they get.

  6. I adore this on you! I wish it looked half as good on me *sigh*

  7. How many nail polish do you have? Hundreds, aren't you? hahaha I tried this yesterday when i first saw it and it came up good :D
    the problem is that i have very short nails and they are very tiny. Well i'm only thirteen :D Kisses.


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