
Saturday, March 7, 2009

NOTD: Sinful Green Ocean

So, in my head this was a pretty good idea. In execution, it leaves a little something to be desired. The base of this glitter is pretty transparent, so I thought I'd so some black french tips & then put the glitter on over top. After I was done though, I wished I'd just done a full base of black. I didn't even bother to clean up because I might take this right back off:

Without the black it makes my nail beds looks yellow. The glitter is variously-sized, and the bigger chunks make it have a difficult application. It could for sure use another coat (or 2 or 3) of Seche to smooth it out, but since I just can't see myself wearing this for even a couple of days I don't know that I'm going to bother.

Maybe I should try to get mom to buy me the other Shamrock collection color to "properly" layer this with? Because looking at this now, I really can't conceive of ever wearing this color solo, regardless of how cool it looks in the bottle, unfortunately I don't think it's possible to get that look on the nail.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Could you try layering it over a white base, maybe? I know that worked with my opal N'fu Ohs..

  2. NIXXY - I do have a couple of whites that I considered using, but I ended up going with black & I'm super-happy with the results(go see the pics!).

  3. Yes, that does have a "nasty" yellow tint to it on it's own. I would suggest getting the other green sinful just because the combo of those two were soooo gorgeous, I got several comments on that!

  4. BROOKE - I'm really trying to stick to my no-buy, but maybe when my mom reads this she'll give me another treat!

  5. oh shoot, I forgot all about your "no buy" - booooo to not buying a new nail polish everyday!! lol

  6. BROOKE - tell me about it! I actually went out with the total intention of falling off the no-buy wagon, searching for the Tracy Reese for Sally Hansen Spring Collection which supposedly hit stores last week ... several pharmacies later (I lost count) I had no luck, but I haven't quite given up yet. There are at least 3 of the colors that I would REALLY REALLY like to have.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)