
Sunday, March 8, 2009

NOTD: Sinful Green Ocean Version 2

So I took off version 1 & started from scratch with a black base (using Maybelline Express Finish Onyx Rush) and I'm much happier with the results. This took 2 coats of the black, and then 3 coats of the Sinful Green Ocean, and the end result was pretty chunky, so I put 2 thick coats of Seche on to try & smooth it out and it's still not exactly level. But it certainly is BLING! =) Also, although there are hints of blue in the bottle, with the black background you get a lot more blue.

You can always tell how much I like a color when I put up an absurd amount of pictures, and there are quite a few here. The sun even showed for a moment while I was out so I got a pic. Enjoy:

I'm really happy with this, SO glad I didn't settle for my original attempt. Thanks for reading.



  1. ohhh, I like this alot!! Very cool! I will have to try mine over a dark blue nail polish I just got, I bet it would look really cool.

    BTW - While I was out of town I finished a book I was currently reading and then another book! It was just like the old times when i used to finish a book in a couple of days! :)

  2. Wow - that is just gorgeous!! Great job...I bet it's super-sparkly...

  3. This looks like Nfu-Oh flakies! I might have to purchase!
    Thanks for the post, very pretty!

  4. That does look amazing. So much depth. Love it!

  5. BROOKE - I think it would look awesome over dark blue, the blue would probably pop even more!

    I'm so glad you found time to fit in some reading!

    JAMIE - Yes, it's super-bling in person. I have one pic I'm still tempted to put up it's with the lights off & just the TV on in the background, you can still see the bling of this polish in the near-dark!

    NESSA - It reminds me of those too (though I've never seen one in person ... yet). Cheaper than Nfu-Oh though I'm pretty sure =)

    PIXIE - Thanks! It kind of reminds me of a black opal.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)