
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Update & Girl on Fire NOTD Preview

So, I went to the Hunger Games on Saturday, and most of the rest of the weekend was taken up with preparation & then actually starting my taxes.  I'm about 90% done but still have some business-related loose ends to tie up - a few more than I actually thought I had.  So that's why I wasn't so productive on the blog as last weekend.  BUT, once the taxes are out of the way, that means a lot of other things will be out of the way & off my to-do list, and I might actually get back in the habit of posting during the week.  That would be awesome LOL.

I've been very temped, a few times since I fell so far behind, to skip around & post things out of order, but my own stubbornness has prevented me.  But I will semi-break my own rule to give you guys a glimpse of what was on my nails for the movie premiere - more pics to come eventually of course when I get to a full blog post on these:

If you'd like to see the tutorial, you can follow the link to my YouTube channel in the sidebar.  Sometimes vids seem so much easier to edit than blog posts, they don't require as much sorting through pics so editing is easier/faster, and I've already said everything I wanted to (usually) in the vid, so I don't have to think of anything else to say/write.  I guess I should count myself lucky that I haven't fallen equally far behind on there LOL.

Thanks for reading.



  1. I watched the video on YouTube the other day. I really love how you put down the glitter coat before doing the water marble. It really makes the manicure glow and come alive!

  2. Wow. Really, really wow. Amazing!

  3. how did u like the movie? i saw it today..loved it so much!

  4. OH! This is simply amazing! I just love, LOVE ur water marbling ideas!!

  5. NICKEESCHICKEE - it was great! I can see how some parts might seem abrupt if you haven't read the books but I think they did a good job covering most of the important parts =)

  6. You do awesome water marbles! I always like seeing them and watching your vids. Thank you for making them!

  7. I love almost all your water marbles, but this one truly takes the cake. Simply awesome!

  8. Awesome fire nails! I love them!

  9. THIS IS AMAZING!!! i love it!!!

  10. You are amazing!!! I shared this and your 4 leaf clover mani all over my FB page. AWESOME!!!

  11. I saw The Hunger Games and I loved it! I also love your nails! So cute!!! Now every time I see the preview I can't help getting chills. :D

  12. I saw The Hunger Games yesterday with my friend. Yeah, first time i ever cried during a movie... But ti was good=)

  13. I love how beautiful this manicure is always, thanks for the advice I'll try just come by my blog and see the result (

  14. i should finally try my hands on watermarbles *lol* have everything prepared but then always decide i dont have enough time...

  15. Hello Colette, This is Nicole from Born Pretty. I send you a e-mail about samples for next review. Could you please reply me? My E-amil:

  16. when you are doing your marble nails, what do you have in your bin or what is it? It is only water or is it something else? Because I've tried this for like 30 times and it didn't went so fine none of the times. I would be very pleased for an answer, Thank you !

  17. I meant if you only have water, but it disappeared...

  18. I insanely love these! I did a Girl on Fire themed gradient mani, but this looks so much more like actual flames.

  19. Ahhh-Mazing! These are absolutely fantastic. You got mad skills girl!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)