
Sunday, March 18, 2012

2011 Books: 26-40

More book catchup (I bet you thought I forgot!).  These have been almost a year ago, so although I remember they were good & the gist of them, some I don't have anything to say about.  And a few I have things I'd LOVE to say, but it would be huge spoilers because they're part of a series, and so I'll refrain because I know I have a lot of followers who may be reading them & not as far in the series as I am.  But here they are

Rachel Caine
Weather Warden Book 5
Paranormal Romance

Rachel Caine
Weather Warden Book 6
Paranormal Romance

Lucy Monroe
Children of the Moon Book 3
Paranormal Romance

I thought for sure this would be the third sister (the first 2 books had the first 2 sisters), so I was caught off guard when it wasn't.  And now I'll probably waiting for that third sister to appear in the next book LOL.  But it's a good thing really, I don't like a series to be too predictable.

Rachel Caine
Weather Warden Book 7
Paranormal Romance

Rachel Caine
Weather Warden Book 8
Paranormal Romance

Looking back, you can kind of see that things are going from bad to worse for Joanne just by looking at the coves LOL.  Dark, dangerous, stormy seas - for most if not all of this book if I remember correctly


This anthology featured stories from:  Lauren Dane, Megan Hart, Emma Holly & Bethany Kane.

Usually if I'm going to read romance, it's got to have a paranormal aspect, but this is one of the exceptions - I mainly picked up because I'm a fan of Emma Holly.

Rachel Caine
Weather Warden Book 9
Paranormal Romance

I didn't realize when I started reading this one that it was the last book in the series.  Things did wrap up pretty well, but I still want to know what happens next.

There is another series (that I have at this point completed) set in the same world - Outcast Season, a 4-book series - but it's set in the same time frame & ends at the same point, so while you get to see what else was going on, you don't get to see what happens after it all goes down.  But I hope the author will continue to write in the world because it's become one of my favorites.

Cameron Haley
The Underworld Cycle Book 2
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal

There are a few aspects of this series that remind me a bit of the Fever series - not necessarily in the writing style, and certainly not in the characters, but more in the way that the magical world is coming out from under wraps - I think in a few more books, if that, there'll be no hiding from "normal" people & it will all be out in the open.
Rachel Caine
Outcast Season Book 1
Paranormal Romance

Set in the same world as the Weather Warden Series, the Outcast Season series follows the Djinn Cassiel as she is cast out by their leader & down into flesh  as a human - something she is in no way happy about.  But she was asked to do something she would not do, and I can't remember if you even learn what it is in the first book or the second book so I'm not going to spoil it by telling you what the request was

Richard Castle
Nikki Heat Book 2

Laurell K. Hamilton
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Book 20
Paranormal Romance

I know a series this long-running isn't to everyone's taste, but I love gigantic series.  Even when a story is wrapped up in satisfactory manner, I almost always still want to know what happens next.  And so series like this - that the author has flat out said she has no intention of ending anytime soon - are right up my alley.

Mercedes Lackey
The Elemental Masters Book 6
Historical Fantasy

Mercedes Lackey is one of the authors I've been reading the longest, and still one of my absolute favorites.  She's also one of the most prolific writers, and has a lot of active series going on - while a lot of authors only do one or maybe two books a year if you're lucky, I'd say Mercedes usually has at least 3 or 4 & usually at least one anthology with other authors set in her world of Valdemar.

Ilona Andrews
Kate Daniels Book 5
Paranormal Romance

Rachel Caine
Outcast Season Book 2
Paranormal Romance

Karen Chance
Cassie Palmer Book 5

It seems like I waited a very long time for this 5th book to come out - & looking back at my book list, it looks like #4 was in 2009 so it wasn't just my imagination.  But it was worth the wait, and almost understandable - although I always feel like writers need to hurry up & give me more good books, the key word is not hurry but good ... I'm not interested in reading some hastily-thrown together thing with plot holes the size of Texas.  And since this series deals with a crap load of time-travel, it's even more open for mistakes that most, so I'm glad that she took to time to make everything match up & make sense.

One more installment should finish up last year - then I can move on to this year =)  I've already read around a dozen books which isn't too shabby.  I always feel like I'm not reading enough LOL, but I know I still read a lot more than most people.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Haha you really love paranormal romances? It's okay, I like books that have at least a tad bit of a fantasy/science fiction element in them. If there are dragons, I'm there!

    The Weather Warden series looks interesting though, I'll have to look into them!

    If the Vampire Diaries series were easier to get in my library, I'd probably have read them. Have you read the Songs of Ice and Fir Series? It's probably more fantasy than paranormal but it's good!

  2. Have you read anything by Heather Graham? Not all of her stuff is paranormal, but she has a few series that are. A majority of her books are mystery/thriller/romance, which are also really good. But I have to say, paranormal romance is my guilty pleasure lol.

  3. In case You did not already know, there are some Weather warden short stories on Caines homepage and I think they are in timeframe after the last book. I did not investigate further, since I'm still in the middle of the Total Eclipse.


  5. If you like the Anita Blake series, check out The Hollows series from Kim Harrison. It's along the same lines as in it's a cop like paranormal series, but it's not quite so graphic in the romance areas like Laurell got a few books back. I kept reading Anita because I loved the characters, but there for about half the series, it was almost too raunchy. However, if raunchy is what you're wanting, you might check out the Dark Hunter books from Sherrilyn Kenyon :D The Hollows is up to 10 books and Dark Hunter has several as well, not sure exactly how many book there are for that one because there's a few different series where the characters blend. Hope this give you much much more reading to do ^.^


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