
Saturday, March 3, 2012

NOTD: The Evolution of Zoya Reece

You guys know, pink is not one of my favorite colors, so it has to be an awesome pink for me to wear it =)  Zoya Reece definitely falls into that category, even all on her own:

With a little bit of Konad added I think it's even better - I don't remember which black I used but it's a safe bet to say it was either Wet n Wild Black Creme or Konad special polish in black.  The design is from Konad image plate m70 & because it's so crazy & messy this is one of the easiest designs to double-stamp - as long as there's no a huge gap between it's perfectly fine if you overlap a little:

Then I wore it one more day with some Matte Magic on top:

So, which version is your favorite?

Thanks for reading.



  1. That is so awesome looking! My favorite is the Camera Flash Matte. I don't know if it leans more pink or purple in real life, but that picture in particular makes it glow!

  2. I've never had matter polish before...which store sells them?

  3. I Love it both ways. Matte is gorgeous and glossy is lovely too.
    Need this stamp plate.

  4. Wow! That is an incredible manicure! Thanks so much for sharing the great pics! :D I like it alone, with stamping, matte and glossy! :D

  5. Beautiful!!! I'm a pink lover, so of course I love the polish ;0). The stamping is great too.

  6. i think i need that plate now lol.....i love Reece stamped, but not so sure about it alone. lovely.

  7. Reece is super beautiful and the duo chrome even shows up with matte polish over it. AWESOME! The stamp is like crackle on an entirely different level.

  8. That's a gorgeous color & I love the stamp you used! It makes me think of knitting when my cat discovers abandoned balls of yarn and thinks I won't know she's the culprit! ^.^

  9. I prefer it stamped and glossy, myself. I love the stamp on it, it's so cool looking!

  10. Love the matte version!

  11. That is a great pink! I think I like it best matte!

  12. That color is so gorgeous!! Thanks for posting this + your salon express review! I'll definitely be buying this polish (: xx


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)