
Friday, July 15, 2011

NOTD: Double Rainbow Water Marble + Tutorial & My First Collaboration!

Excited & flattered to be doing a collab with Karina from BeautifulYouTV =)  Everything just fell into place, we agreed on a theme right away & it was actually a look I'd already half-planned to do.  Rainbow!  And these did indeed turn out to be my birthday nails.
After the Rainbow Double Spiral marble, I really wanted to do a design that showed off all of the colors in the China Glaze Island Escape collection (Senorita Bonita, Blue Iguana, Cha Cha Cha, Electric Pineapple, Papaya Punch108 Degrees).  I just kept the design really simple & I'm very pleased with the results:

Favorite nails are left index, middle, ring & right thumb:

& here is the tutorial:
Be sure to check out Karina's look too!  Thanks for reading.


  1. You're videos are so informative. I love them. I would like to see how you clean up your skin around your nail once you remove the tape.

  2. Wow this is gorgeous . I'm going to miss your nails after you do that big chop .

  3. fruit stripe gum hehe. perfection as usual!

  4. Awesome post and your nails look amazingly beautiful!

  5. your designs always amaze me!!! gotta try this!

  6. gorgeous! I lurv rainbow everythings. :)

  7. I am in love!!! its very gorgeous!!

  8. OMG. Even after your great video I am SURE I never could do this to my own nails!

  9. wonderful! This reminds me of your awesome Poolside collection water marble, but not as neon (obviously!) I love it!

  10. I LOVE this! So bright and cheerful.

  11. Omg this is sooooo pretty!!!

  12. gorgeous i love the colours in this one sooo pretty

    shel xx

  13. this is one of my favorites of yours, hah even though i can think of like 10 of your manicures that i really love. the colors turned out great reminds me of those colored candy canes. Now i've got a sweet tooth for some candy! Amazing as always!

  14. RaEStoCo - Check out my clean up tutorial under the Tips & Tricks playlist on my channel =)

  15. Logged onto my pc went to yahoo and Shine had one of your tutorials there on the video of the day.

  16. Holy wow that's pretty! My first attempt at marbling was a complete and utter failure but this is so gorgeous I may have to try again w/ the help of your video, thank you!

  17. this is amazing but sure you hear it before. I wish to ask you something. You change the water after you done one nail or you use the same water for all the nails?

  18. Stunning! Your marbles are always so gorgeous. Thanks so much for including tutorials - they're amazing!

  19. Love your marbles...... my fav part of your blog!


  20. Amazing.. what a color combo! :)

  21. I have to thank you thank you thank you.. I discovered your videos on YouTube earlier today and fell in love with the water marbling. After watching.. oh, a dozen or so of your tutorials I decided to give it a try! My nails are super short, so it's a basic swirly pattern... I LOVE IT!!! It was so easy after watching you do it. Thank you!! I am a definite fan.

  22. Hi, I'm from Czech Republic and I want to say it's perfect work!
    I have a little problem. What are you doing wrong that I make bubbles?

    Excuse my bad English :)

  23. Hi, I happened by this video by chance after looking for some ideas on what to do with my nails, and this is AMAZING. I'm a new fan to your site! I just tried this one out this morning, and while they're not nearly as gorgeous as yours, I'm soo pleased with it as a first attempt. I'll be reading your blog regularly from now on for more tips and pointers and ideas on new colors. You're awesome!!

  24. I absolutely love these! I want to try it, but I'm afraid I'll make a huge mess, or screw it up.. lol

  25. For an easier cleanup, use a small makeup brush and brush the tip of your finger with Elmer's glue.Be careful not to get the glue on the nail. After its somewhat dry, dip your finger as you would. Pull your finger out, let the polish dry then peel/roll the glue from your finger.

  26. RHONDA - sorry LOL but that doesn't sound easier to me than tape - tape only takes a few seconds to apply & remove for me =)

  27. Lindo, Lindo, Lindo .... MARAVILHOSO!!! =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)