
Monday, July 25, 2011

Meet the Nubbins (Naked Nails 7-19-11)

My nails were so sad & patched I didn't even take before pics ... you can see the most recent long naked nails HERE from back on the 4th - I was at about 11mm of free edge.  Just about my favorite length LOL - and with 8 nails patched.  Very very sad.  Now I am down to about 4mm free edge & still 4 nails patched including my mangled left thumb:

I hate short nails.  The left hand is a bit shorter than the right to partly balance the nubbin that is my pinky.  Yes I know they're not SHORT-short ... but they're short to me.  Still past my fingertips but shorter than I like or prefer - shorter than I've had them since I think last fall.  I took me 2-3 days to get back comfortable typing LOL.  But I would really like to completely grow out all these bad breaks without getting any additional ones along the way.

Since this was last Tuesday, I've already had several short-nubbins manis - including one that may well be my favorite pink so far this year =)   So stay tuned for those.  Thanks for reading.



  1. Your "nubbins" are the length of my *long* nails. LOL They look good like this.

  2. I actually prefer them this length Colette. I know all too well the pain of a bad break and I prefer the shorter nails to the pain :)

  3. Girlfriend, I feel your pain. I just did the same thing a few weeks ago. I am a legal transcriptionist and typing is what I do. Typos are a SIN in my profession and the nails finally had to GO. Still, we can do all kinds of stuff with our 'stubbies' and they are still beautiful. Of course your short is my long... LOL! If you would like to read my story:

    Mom is right, too; they are still growing! :o)

  4. I'm so sorry, I know what it's like to suddenly lose much of your nail length... I always feel awkward when I have to cut them so drastically. But they still look good, and they will grow out soon :) And they will probably be grateful for this chance to grow healthy ;)

    (BTW, this is the first (and probably last) time in history, when my nails are actually longer than yours, and this could only happen because mine are at their longest EVER.)

  5. It's good to get rid of the old nails...They are still a good you can make a fist. Lol :)

  6. I feel for you, I know it sucks having to cut your nails because you've got one too many tears in them. They'll grow back in no time hun. Just hang in there!

  7. I can't get any free edge with my nails. I think they look great at that length

  8. I wish my nails would get to this length without breaking :P my nails are thin.

  9. It is weird getting used to having shorter nails after having them grow out so much. I don't even keep mine super long, but when I cut them, whoa! It just feels so strange!

  10. I think they look nice shorter. They are still much longer than mine! I came across a glass artist that reminds me of your water marbles.

  11. I like you with shorter fact just a little bit longer than your pinkie is in these photos is PERFECT! It's classic, you get your polish job done faster, and biggest of all, life function is easier. Plus shorter nails are what's being shown by all the large design houses. I know - to each his/her own. But I want to support you to try other lengths for a change up!!!! You might really be surprised. It's like changing polish- change up the look by the change in nail length as well!

  12. They're still very sexy....I would compare them to kitten heels :)

  13. I definitely love ur nails at this length. i know you love them longer but this length is perfect.

  14. dont get offended . but i really like this lenght on you! looks more pretty :)

  15. its funny how you think that's short, i think that's really long! lol.

  16. thats a perfect length of nails and btw your nails are going pail due to excess use of nail varnishes i think... this is perfect length you can try to make them healthy now...

  17. Your nails are GORGEOUS now! I'd kill to have their length/thickness.

  18. I can only get this lenght with acrylic nails so I really am jealous :)
    But they still look great.

  19. They are still pretty long...actually I think you should shorten them a little bit more, getting rid of all the patches and growing them out healthy, patched up and uneven in length nails don't look good :(

  20. I have to agree with most of the other posts here. This length is much prettier than the longer nails, just in my opinion. But I always love seeing your nails, so either way is fine with me. :)

  21. lol, i LOVE that your short nails are longer than mine when they're long :) how the Dickens do you type with them woman :) xx

  22. Nubbins. HAHAHAHA! While I feel your pain with the breakage, I just have to say, you don't know Nubbins. :) To have Nubbins like that...well, many of us would be happy, most of us are jealous. :)


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