
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Going Out With a BLING (NOTD: Icing Epic Winning)

Instead of going out with a BANG, the long nails went out with a BLING (I crack myself up, heh).  I was going to trim them after the double rainbow water marble, and then I thought - one more mani.  Something awesome.  Something ... epic.  Enter Icing Epic Winning - I think it can speak for itself:

Here's a look in motion:

It was actually a few days ago that I did the big chop so I'm almost used to them at this point ... but even so it just brings home to me that I prefer them long.  They just look so ... stunted now LOL.  You'll see, I'll post pics soon =)

Thanks for reading.



  1. I know how you feel. I cried when i had to cut mines

  2. I think this polish was the perfect choice. I bet it was hard to remove haha... That sucks you miss your long nails. I prefer mine shorter. Can't wait to see the pics of your nail length!

  3. how many coats of this polish did it take? did you use a base? thanks (:

  4. I love your nails! you couldn't have chosen better color!:)

  5. I love this colour. I think it was an excellent choice.

    Did you find it distracting to have on your nails? I keep getting distracted by it when I wear it on mine.

  6. I love this color. I love it in the light. I went to the movies and when the lights dimmed they were completely blinged out. Amazing.

  7. OMG I must have this polish, it is amazing.

  8. I cant wait to see the new length!

  9. Gorgeous polish!! I have to hunt that one down for sure!

  10. Holy crap, dude! This is all KINDS of winning!! So much bling! You picked a good one before the big cut-down.

  11. I have to add that to my list....ready to see the new length!

  12. Wow - that has bling alright! I don't have access to the brand Icings but keep seeing great shots of it. Who carries it?

  13. Oh...and I am sooooo ready to see your short(er) nails - being a big fan of shorter nails anyway....not nubbins - but a nice 1/4 or so of whites shaped really nicely. Oh and all natural of course!

  14. Great choice for a pre-chop. It's gorgeous

  15. Isnt it kind of a relieve to have them cut? I looove to cut mine down :P AWESOME NAME for awesome polish <3

  16. That polish is amazing!

  17. Shortened them? Oh my god.... can't wait to see them and already know I prefer them long ;-)

    What a great colour this is! Wow awesome!

  18. What brand is that? It looks like a China glaze bottle?

  19. Icing really makes some amazing polishes!! Did you use a base color or just EW?? I love long nails, but hate when they start to curl and get a mind of their own.

  20. wow this polish looks amazing!!! I've never purchased icing polishes before..but this polish looks like its worth purchasing! :)

  21. very very gorgeous... deeply in love...

    follow me back it means alot to me

  22. Alas.... i've just looked it's another one we can't get in the UK! its amazing! anyone know if it's stocked in the US on any websites? where i might get my sticky little fingers on it?

  23. Damn, those nails are serious woman! As a "lurker", I've seen your nails as short "nubbins", they're still amagingly long. Just a note of encouragement, they're going to look fab at any length, it's just who you are. The crack bling here was fun, thanks for sharing, but i can't wait to see your new look. I'm sure they're sensational and elegant.


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