
Monday, June 6, 2011

NOTD: L'Oreal Pink Shells + Sally Hansen Ink Spatter

Here's the manicure that I wore in the crackle/shatter comparison vid - I started out with L'Oreal Pink Shells, from their Summer Siren collection:
Which turned out to be a bit bright for me - very VERY pink LOL.  So I added a coat of Sally Hansen's black crack, Ink Spatter:

& I finally, FINALLY got around to doing the orange Addicted to Color - hope to have that posted tomorrow =)  Thanks for reading.


  1. I've heard a lot of people complain about the SH Crackles saying that they don't shatter very well, looks as though you had no problems. I like the black over the bright pink :)

  2. I got the Sally Hansen Ink Spatter too, but even the first time I opened it it was so goopy. Is it supposed to be so thick right off the bat? I've used it once now on my toes and the shaft of the brush has big dry clumps on it now. It shattered prettily on my nails, but I'm not impressed with the goop.

  3. Love the pink and Ink combination. I really like the Sally Hansen Crackle. Really gives some great shatter.

  4. That pink would look great with navy shatter too :)

  5. I liked the Kelier Crackle but Born Pretty
    Has another crackle and now I dunno about the Kelier one cannot find it anywhere. Depend also has a nice crackle but I have not seen it
    Sold anywhere either. Yours looks very pretty Colette, I still haven't developed patience on wearing crackles, they chip easily even with topcoat, Gelous you name it. I do a lot of chores in my home and last time I wore China Glaze Crackle it chipped on me the next day :-(

  6. Hi!
    I've seen an amazing crackling nail polish in Barry M! Their colors are black, white, blue and pink, They are fabulous and work on any nail polish, Here's the link.

  7. hi, i really enjoy your blog. i started one of my own but i dont know how to post pictures. PLEASE help me out!thanks

  8. Thanks for your YouTube videos and blog. You've inspired me to try some new things :-) I'm just mad I currently have a job where I can't always have my nails done!


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