
Thursday, March 24, 2011

NOTD: China Glaze High Def + m57

Even though these Tronica colors really aren't that holographic, they're still nice.  I'm still glad I have them all.  And in some lights, at certain angles, I even catch a flash of holo every now & then =)

I started out with the blue, China Glaze High Def, and wore it plain for a day:

For day 2 I added some stamping with China Glaze Blue Paradise (from a recent Sally's trip I've yet to post - it's a great color & I'm impressed with how well it stamps), and the tiger design is from Konad plate m57:

I was in a bit of a hurry, so the seams aren't perfect, but they weren't too bad.  I'm sporting a bright pink, purple & teal water marble right now, I'll aim for getting the pics edited & up tomorrow =)  Thanks for reading.



  1. love the look of this color it seems textured but not!

  2. Gorgeous, this is one of the colors I want of this collection.

  3. I have to get this collection! Looks fantastic on you. Your nails are just beautiful.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)