
Saturday, January 29, 2011

NOTD: Sally Hansen Starry, Starry Flight + m63

I forgot I had a hair appointment on Thurs & got home late ... then of course was at the grandparent's on Friday ... and slept in ridiculously late today.  Tomorrow I'm going to try & squeeze in my taxes, so I thought I better do some posting tonight!
Sally Hansen Starry, Starry Flight is from the Complete Salon Manicure line:
Really nice silver with fine glitter, after I wore it alone for a day I added some stamping with China Glaze Harmony & Konad image plate m63.  I wasn't thrilled with this ... for some reason I always think I'm going to love the houndstooth pattern, and then when I get it on my nails I feel all disillusioned LOL:

Thanks for reading =)


  1. so pretty! I like the silver polish alone and with the purple plaid :)

  2. So simple yet pretty!


  3. Very pretty!! I know what you mean about the houndstooth pattern...I almost did that one last night, lol :)

  4. looks very pretty!!
    I love sally hanson!!

    do you want to visit my blog...and tell me what you think about my latest blog (stripe/star marble) please...

  5. Ahhh, I love the houndstooth pattern! Its one of my favorite images in my konad collection. But my nails arent nearly as long so it doesn't look as busy on mine.

  6. I love the houndstooth pattern, it's super cute on the silver base :)

  7. That's a stunning combination! Hope things slow down a bit for you.

  8. Actually I love this combination!!

  9. Houndstooth is one of my favorite patterns. Love this combination of polishes. That Sally Hansen is gorgeous.


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