
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Being A Responsible Adult ...

...which entails, among other things, doing my taxes rather than blogging, since I did get the final piece of paperwork I was waiting for on Friday.  So that's out of the way & a huge weight off my shoulders, but it took up a good chunk of my weekend.
One of the things I wanted to do was get the top 20 manis of 2010 done, since January is over like, tomorrow.  I'm rather irked that we're moving into the 2nd month of 2011 & I never even got around to writing down my resolutions LOL. Where has January gone?!  Anyway, I'm going to stick up a poll, in the right sidebar - just take a minute & let me know if you are still interested to see it?
Thanks for reading.



  1. I just wanted to let you know I mentioned your awesome blog on mine. You've inspired me to get the polish back out! ;)

  2. Please post the Top Ten! Who cares if it's almost Feburary!!


  3. Yes, yes, yes! Top 20!

  4. Kimaloo, Bundle Monster, 21!! nail image plates, still for sale for $17.99 at Much cheaper than Konad. I used mine for the first time today, and they work as well as Konad. Chez-Delaney also makes some.

  5. Lori Ida... I actually just got my Bundle Monster set in the mail today! And you're right, they do work just as good as Konad. I even gave myself a houndstooth mani at lunch today, lol.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)