
Friday, December 3, 2010

TOTD: China Glaze Short & Sassy

Quick post, I'm off today & going on a holiday field trip with the family =)  I'll take lots of pics of course LOL.  Here's what's on my toes right now, I don't do them as often in the winter, but can't stand them bare - China Glaze Short & Sassy:

If you need a fix of holiday nail art, I put together a slideshow of last December's NOTD & posted up last night, you can check it out HERE on YouTube.  Also will be the featured vid in my YouTube widget until I get home later & get the poinsettia water marble tutorial edited.  Yes - poinsettia water marble & yes it is even more awesome that that sounds!  Stay tuned =)
Thanks for reading.


  1. nice color...!!
    have a nice trip..~~

  2. you have really cute toes!

  3. RENATE, MY LEETLE NAILS - Thank you! =)

  4. Short & Sassy is a lovely shade on you. Really love this one.


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