
Saturday, December 4, 2010

NOTD: Christmas Poinsettia Water Marble + Tutorial

This design came about ... well, not exactly by mistake, but it's not what I started out to do with these colors.  I was going to do the french tip marble that's been on my to-do list for like, ever, and as I was experimenting, this design just came out & my plans had to change =)
I used Wet 'n' Wild French White as my base, and then I marbled with Sally Hanson Salon Berry Sweet & Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Going Green.  After marbling I topped it with one coat of China Glaze Golden Enchantment just to glitterfy & bling it up a little, although it was hard to catch all the sparkle in pics.  I can't quite call this my favorite marble ever, but it may be my most impressive if that makes sense?  Just got such good positioning with all of my dips, and it's PERFECT for the season!  It came out looking so much just like the flower - here's my poinsettia water marble for Christmas:
Favorite nails left to right:  left thumb, left index, right middle, right ring:

Here's the tutorial - I'd heard Going Green was a bad one for staining, and you can see it actually tinted the water green, which doesn't normally happen marbling, so I'm hoping it won't be too bad on my nails since the red is dominant:
Here are just a couple of my tests - I was going to use the top pattern for my french tips until I did the bottom one & totally changed my plan:
I have a TON more holiday ideas.  I don't know if I'll even get around to all of them, but I'm going to give it my best shot =)  Thanks for reading.


  1. These totally look like poinsettia's! Amazing job and great tutorial!

  2. AMAZING!! Love it, love it, love it!

  3. That is amazing. Simply gorgeous. I wish I could do this.

  4. Lovely! You are ridiculously good at water marbling. I tried once and gave up.

  5. OMG this is the most BEAUTIFUL water marble EVER! You are the QUEEN! I love it!

  6. i'm lost so you let the polish dry on the scotch tape & then take it off or does the scotch tape stay on your nails?

  7. this is beautiful! I really want to try it, but I'm afraid the full flower design won't show up on my short nails ):

  8. You are amazing, lady! I say hello all the way from Norway to you. I did my marble today, but my colour did'nt spread like yours. Something wrong with my water?

    xx, from a new norwegian reader! :)

  9. AMAZING! I am in utter awe! I am so going to try this! What a great idea, I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  10. You are the water marble queen!! Fantastic!

  11. Looks fantastic, I love it! :-)

  12. Love the pattern, looks amazing :)

  13. ooohhh I really love this marble..!!
    I am going to try this one tomorrow!!
    you are the marble QUEEN!!!

  14. This is absolutely beautiful! Very nice job! :)

  15. While this may not be your favorite marble - it certainly is mine. Wow, this is super impressive.

  16. oh my gosh! i friggin LOVE this design. im definitely going to try this next time i do a water marble. would look soooo pretty with other colors too.

  17. EVERYONE - Thank you all! =)

    VANESSA - the tape is just to keep the polish off the skin around my nail - there is a tutorial for putting it on & taking it off on my YouTube channel =)

    ANON - I always use room temperature filtered water - the other part is that not all polish will work, it takes a lot of trial & error to find the ones that work well =)

    BJOS NO ♥

  19. This is gorgeous. I can't get over how the placement is so perfect. It's a beautiful design. You should be so proud of yourself.

  20. Bravo Colette, it is really beautiful. Can you send me to France the polish Sequin Scandal of Sally Hansen, if you finds it naturally. I shall pay off to you the polish and the postal charges. I don't find it on internet either. Thank you Colette. I join you my e-mail address

  21. I think you chosed perect colors! I was thinkng about nails for Christmas too and you gave me one more idea! :D

    Love your blog!

  22. GREAT tutorial. Thank you so much for posting... Your manicure looks AMAZING.

  23. OMG this looks so PERFECT!
    you'r great at marble! I wish I had just a third of your skill!

  24. I absolutely love it and am so inspired to get more creative with my daughter and my nails!

  25. BE-U-T-FUL!I love it. I just tried water marbling yday after watching about 5 of your videos and I was shocked at how well I did. How do you remove water bubbles and droplets from your nails?

  26. Are you kidding? OMG! This design/color combo is so amazingly awesome! Genius. <3

  27. I looove this! I'm going to try this one...I'm sure it won't turn out as good but I'm going to try! :D
    Fantastic job.

  28. Amazinggggggggggggggggggggggg !!!!!

  29. OMG is this amazing, or what???

    really cool! love it

  30. This is gorgeous! You're the Queen of water marbling, hehe :)

  31. I love this look sooo much. I really want to try it out, but I just moved and I have no idea where any of my water marbling stuff is... Thanks for sharing this cool design!

  32. I love you work!! This is very nice,

  33. This is so gorgeous, what a great idea. I don't know how it would translate on my (much) shorter nails but I will definitely have to try this! It's perfect for your nail length, I bet it's just beautiful in person, I'm kind of totally jealous lol

  34. hello :)
    my name is Emmy, from Israel.
    first of all - this is amazing !!!
    great job ! :)
    i wanted to ask :
    do you simply fill the cup with water and them start dropping the nail-polish into the water ?
    or is the cup filled with any special mattiriels?

    you can answer me to my mail please :)
    thank you so much !

    Emmy :)

  35. These are amazingggg, but I need help. The nail polish just keeps drying too quickly when dropped in the water, what can I do to solve this?

  36. ANAM - every polish dries at a different speed & those that dry fast just aren't very good for marbling - if you can't work any quicker then you have to find colors that dry slower =) Also make sure there's not a fan or anything creating a draft on the water as that can make the polish dry faster

  37. Love the christmas poinsettia water marble. I learned a lot from your youtube video :)
    Peace Out!

  38. can you use any kind of finger nail polish?

  39. I love the marble!!!!! I can never get the marble to look like i intended for it to u have any tips 4 me?

  40. Have you ever thought of a heart marble in Christmas colors, because i think that would be a really cool

  41. i drew reindeer hoof tracks on my nails.....SO CUTE!!!!! ;D

  42. P.S. i used the flat end of the orange-stick for the base of the track and used the pointed end to make the line in the middle-top of the hoof.

  43. Hi! I LOVE this X-mas marble... So CUTE!!!!! =D

  44. it's seems like strawberry fruit. awesome


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)