
Saturday, November 6, 2010

NOTD: Finger Paints Art of Theft + Holgraphic Stars

Sorry I've been lazy all week =)  Sometimes I feel like if I get on track with one thing, I fall off track with 2 or 3 other things - I've been trying to write every day for NaNoWriMo, and while I spaced out & forgot on the 1st, I've been successful every other day.  But I can't blame not blogging on that, I need to blame it more on my time management skills.  I get lazy - there's no reason I can't put together a decent blog post if I just give it my attention even just during commercial breaks when I'm watching TV for instance.  Edit pics one commercial, write a post the next 2, insert pics the next & post!  So why do I stare blankly into space, or actually watch the commercials like they're going to influence my purchases LOL?
I'm not that far behind though.  I only changed my nails twice this week, so I only have one other NOTD to post after this.  This being Finger Paints Art of Theft (It was the Color of the Month for October), topped with some holographic star stickers that I picked up at Michaels.  I used a pair of tweezers to apply them; some I cut in half.  The sheet was multicolored, and I used up almost all of the silver ones - I wish I'd had just a few more of the small size, there are a couple of gaps where I could have used a little more filler, but I quite like the way this turned out:

I took most of these pics on Tuesday, which was wonderful & sunny all day - until I went to take pics.  It was so nice I didn't think anything of waiting until after I voted to do my pics, and this is how narrow of a margin I missed the good sunlight by:
LOL!  So my lesson, which you'd think I'd have already learned by now, is:  don't wait to take pics.  In fact, I've decided I will probably start taking pics during my last break at work, because with Daylight Saving Time ending this weekend, it's going to be practically dark by the time I get home now.  I got a few odd looks when I put this into action on Wednesday, but not too many - most of my co-workers know about the blog at this point.  And those that don't - well, I'm used to a few weird looks.
I almost completed my "catch-up project" last weekend with my extra day off.  I plan to finish this weekend.  Then the trick will just be to see if I can keep caught up through the holiday season =) 
Thanks for reading.


  1. I regret waiting to take pic's ~ That good sunshine helps create the best photos.

    This looks really cool and I think i'll have to dig around my sticker box to copy you.

    I feel bad when I don't contribute something at least every second day. I am lazy too♥

  2. I know what you mean with taking pictures. Fall has kicked in and when I don't hurry the sun is gone and it has turned all dark, too dark for pictures. Kind of annoying haha.

    I love the holographic stickers, never came across something like those here. Wish I did because they are awesome for spicing up a mani!

  3. I like the polish colour, but I find that stickers usually end up looking too lumpy. I prefer stamping.

  4. ola eu sou brasileira adoro o que você faz nas unhas eu estava procurando no youtube algum diferente para fazer nas minhas unhas e encontrei seus videos fiquei interessada e comecei a treinar e ate q eu faço uns desenhos legai se quiser dar uma olhada e também participar do meu blog agradeço
    mas sempre irei passar por aqui porque você faz muitas novidades nas unhas eu adoro isso novidades!abraços não esqce dar uma olhadinha no meu blog!

  5. I honestly also love the way this mani turned out. :)

  6. Love your manicure. The stars are amazing looking. The sky is just beautiful! Thanks for including that photo. I don't blog but I certainly got behind in reading them.

  7. Gotta love the looks from other people haha! Your mani looks great, the stars are so fun!

  8. i never thought to incorporate stickers like this before, will have to hit up my local craft store for some ideas. You are truly amazing!!

  9. I love your mani. Very creative and imaginative. It reminds me of a beautyful night full of stars and the moon is very visible.....Keep it up.

  10. Love the silver stars against the blue!

  11. What a beautiful mani! The stars look very nice on the blue polish!


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