
Sunday, October 31, 2010

NOTD: Green Water Marble for Depression Awareness + Tutorial

A lot of other bloggers have already posted about October being Depression Awareness month, and I am a little late but still made it on the last day of the month =)  I did a green water marble with Nubar colors:  Greener, Conserve & Earth.  I used Greener as my base color & the whole mani came out really richly colored:

Here's the tutorial:

Thanks for reading =)



  1. This looks lovely! It makes me think of velvet or brocade.

  2. omg such pretty greens!

  3. Your posts never cease to amaze me! (Is that how you say "never cease to amaze me?" lol anyways, I very much admire that you posted on depression awareness and managed to add it in with your always lovely nails :) Such an amazing job. You are very creative. I was just telling my boyfriend earlier about your posts. He said "Are you talking about the nail lady again?" lol :) I'm always telling him about your posts :)

    Just wanted to say I love it!

  4. I love this design and your tutorials!

  5. wonderful WM, love it & love the colors you've chosen !!

  6. This came out beautifully. Reminds me of a piee of malachite. Gorgeous!

  7. Saludos desde Barcelona,

    Tus Water marble son los mejores que he visto nunca!!

    Felicidades por los tutoriales, son muy ilustrativos!



Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)