
Monday, September 6, 2010

MN State Fair 2010 Round 2

Saturday was really cool, and Mom & I decided that it would be the perfect time to go inside some of the buildings that are normally too hot.  Little did we know we'd end up there on a record-setting day - most people attending ever in a single day, something like 234,000!  It was ridiculously crowded, but we had a great time.
The Creative Arts building is one of my favorites, they have arts & crafts & winning food too.  I loved this cake, it looked like a water marble inside:
These oils were so pretty, it was almost like an art display with the different colors & the different things inside the bottles:
I love to cross-stitch, although I don't do it very often, and there were soooo many awesome ones on display, here are a few of the really amazing ones:
And stained glass:
Even origami:
Did you know that fish hats:
Are apparently a big deal?  This year someone knitted the biggest fish hat ever, and submitted it to the Guinness Book of World records even:
For food, I'll just stick with the things Mom & I ate that were different from the first day!  Suffice to say there were lots of things to drink & yes of course cheese curds.  But a new thing I tried & decided was my favorite thing to eat at the fair this year was potato tots on a stick, with bacon, cheese & other good stuff inside of them, yum:
French fried ravioli, which came in I think 3 flavors & 2 sauces, this is the spinach artichoke with meat sauce & these were also awesome.  Not at all greasy & super tasty:
Another kind of weird thing, I only ate one - mom got deep fried smelt:
Hmm, these was some delicious mocha frozen custard, but we were apparently too busy eating it before it melted for me to take a pic!  I also took home some jerky, and some nut rolls, that also missed their photo ops LOL.  By the end of this trip I was even more tired than the first time - my shoes were not as comfortable & I think we did even more walking.  But I'm glad we went =)
Thanks for reading.


  1. Nothing like going to the fair! Man, I love that but haven't been to one in years!

    Here's your blue ribbon award, chickie!!

  2. Sounds like so much fun! How exactly is one supposed to wear that giant fish hat?! All the food looked delicious! Even the smelt looked good, how did it taste? :)

  3. wow, world's biggest fish hat, huh?


  4. omg i want a fish hat!

  5. Hi!

    Love your blog and wanted you to know I gave you the Sunshine Award for it:)

    The award post is here:

    And it includes a link to your blog and your blog home page is featured in the vid above the award:)

    Have a beauty full day!



  6. I love your posts like this. I remember last years posts with foods that made me so hungry. Luckily I've already had lunch. What talented people. I love to see things like this at the fairs. Glad you had a good time.

  7. Thanks for these state fair posts - they filled in the empty spot in my heart because we had no Michigan State fair this year due to state budget cuts *sob*! I liked the crafts, too! The bake-offs were fun to watch and all the baked goods looked good, even at the end of the 2-weeks. Thanks, from the heart!

  8. I'm French and I've got very good friends in MN. We go to the State Fair together whenever I can be there at the end of August. Your post brought back happy memories... Last year my boyfriend took pictures of every single cake and cookie in the CA building ! ( it was his first time there, I can tell you he was impressed...). My friend Arlene and I also share a fondness for polish, and I got her new Konad image plates and polish the same day as well... Thanks for sharing !

  9. EVERYONE - Thanks! It was so fun, we were almost a little sad we didn't make it a third time LOL. But I don't think my wallet could have handled it - let alone my feet!

    KIMBERLY - Thank you, I'll check it out =)

    MICHELLE - The smelt wasn't quite my thing, but it was pretty good & mom finished it off =)

    BUDGETBEAUTYGODDESS - Thanks so much, I'll take a look =)

    DENISESKA - Awww, how sad that they cancelled it =( I spent so much you would think it would boost the economy!

    LOUNGEKITTY - Sounds like a perfect excuse for a visit to me, how fun =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)