
Monday, September 6, 2010

MN State Fair 2010 Round 1

Hot, hot, hot, humid & windy! But we still had a blast Monday at the Fair. First things first, for those of you who don't care about the rest, here's my haul of new Konad plates:

Fair deal was 5 for $25, which is a pretty good deal for actual Konad brand plates. I got, left to right:  m51, m54, m70, m78, m80.  And I also picked up a 2nd stamper for creating mirror images, so I can't wait to have time to play around with doing that =)  It came in a set, and I got the double-sided one, but loo how honkin big my new scraper is compared to my old one LOL:

OK, now on to other stuff from the Fair =)  This is my favorite that I took the whole day I think, it's like the horse was posing for me just perfectly:

The rest is all food!  We did other stuff but I guess I was mainly just pulling out the camera when we were eating LOL =)  If you're hungry, turn back now!  We had a total of 5 people - me, my mom, my dad, my grandma & my uncle.  So we were able to try lots of different things because we were sharing & not filling up on anything in particular.

Dad started us off with a foot long hot dog:

Then Mom got a lemonade to pass around:

Roasted corn on the cob - they have like vats of butter that they just submerge these in:

Funnel cake:

Coconut Hawaiian Ice:

Beer - which I did not help share, beer is just one of the nastiest things on the planet to me LOL:

Veggie fries:

Watermelon Hawaiian Ice:

Sweet potato tots, which was one of the things I was on a specific mission to try this year - and they were delicious:

Corn dog:

Rueben Bites (like the sandwich):

More beer:

Root beer:

Grandma & her giant-sized bage of kettle corn - she got it mostly to take home, but you can get them either closed or open & if you get the bag open you get extra popcorn & a twister to close it once you've eaten your fill:

Remnants of a lemonade I almost forgot to take a pic of - I was trying to get all of our drinks so we could count them up at the end, because it was so hot we were buying a ton:

A classic - cheese curds:

Grandma's beer:

Dad's beer:

My pina colada (non alchohlic) in a pineapple - this was pretty good, and the stand was also selling cups of the pineapple they cut out of the middle:

Another root beer:

Lingonberry float:

After I finished the smoothie inside the pineapple, dad pulled out a knife & went to work on the fruit!

Orange Treet (yes, "treet" with 2 e's):

Gyro sampler - although I'm not sure why it was a sampler with only 1 kind of meat?  I also got some cinnamon-roasted nuts around this time but I didn't get a picture of them:

Bacon on a stick - and one of 2 free waters they gave Dad for no appearent reason:

Cream puff:


Milkshake & ice cream cone:

Another corn dog - decent shot of Mom's mani too, I believe she's wearing Color Club On the Wild Side:

Dad got cotton candy to take home:

Another lemonade:

Mom says this is a weird thing to get at the Fair, but Froot Loop bars & S'mores bars for later:

Strawberry crepe:

French fries:

Pork chop on a stick in a bag to go home:

More root beer:

Whew!  Now I'm hungry all over again - and I'm only halfway done!  Because me & mom went to the Fair again on Saturday.  But I'm going to split that into a 2nd post =)

Thanks for reading.



  1. Woo, that food looks delish! Sweet potato taters definitely sounds yummy.

  2. wow, so cool to see all the food and drinks we don't know here in Holland! thanx for sharing with us. I love nails and I love food!
    I see you bought my favourite plate M51, love to see what your creations will be!

  3. Oooh just looking at this post makes me hungry, haha

  4. all that food pictures are making me hungry :D

    bacon on a stick? sounds and looks really intresting

  5. Oh, dear. All that fried food and sugar... Our eating habits are way different. =)

  6. Wow - that all looks delicious! It's certainly made me hungry, haha.


  7. Great konad find, and all that food, aaah I'm dying! (of hunger lol) :D

  8. wow.. i need some of that food.. so delish.. im not satisfied with my dinner now.. lol

  9. Looks like you guys got a lot of yumminess! I missed the corn dog again, but had to have the Vegie Fries (my fave!) and the curds! I also took advantage of the mix n match special but I talked them into giving me the stamper with the white rubber as part of the deal. I caught the one lady's attention with my Lucky Bamboo nails from m66. She said they could never figure out how to use that so she had to show the other lady! Kinda made me feel special! :) Plus one girl at the Migi booth said my nails were "the bomb!"

  10. OMG! How much did you guys spend?!?! I've never been to a State Fair but I've gone to the Taste of Chicago and you never get that much to drink there, it's just too expensive.

    Off to see the second half of your post...

  11. Oh boy! Doesn't everything look yummy. Sweet potatoes and chees curds look good. Your Dad did a number on the pineapple. Love frsh pineapple. Wish they state fair here in NJ was as good as yours. I stopped going because it was disappointing. I did love loooking at all the animals. The food wasn't anything like your has.

  12. MN State Fair kettle corn is THE BEST.

  13. You ate great! I would love to try the Reuben bites and the pina colada, they looked fabulous!
    PS Thanks for stopping by Twin Cities Restaurant Blog and leaving a comment!

  14. Cool pics! Loved all of the food and drinks, wish I was there with y'all. lol

  15. Oh and I love your family by the way! How you all hang out together, just like mine. Pretty cool.

  16. EVERYONE - Thanks & glad you enjoyed =)

    NIHRIDA - There are a few non-fried things, but for the most part it's an excuse to indulge - good thing it is only once a year LOL

    NORDEASTGIRL1 - Ooo, I didn't see a white stamper, that would make it so easy to see the pattern - well, unless you're using white LOL!

    BUDGETBEAUTY GODDESS - LOL we did spend a good chunk of cash, it seems like every year the prices go up! But it's worth it ... well, mostly =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)