
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Zoya Haul Round 2

Not much time tonight, so just a quick glimpse of my 2nd Zoya Exchange haul:
Top L-R:  Rea, Adina, Ki, Indigo, Kotori, Tallulah.  Bottom L-R:  Brizia, Anastasia, Alegra, Tosca, Sienna, Pippa
Also a semi-dusty & a gift:
OPI Baby it's "Coal" Outside, I found at a salon but I don't think it's really that old?  & then my mom's friend at work got this China Glaze Groovy Green but decided she didn't like it & gave to Mom.  She got it on sale somewhere & now I'm on a mission to find out where exactly this sale was LOL.
Thanks for reading.


  1. Oh those zoyas look beautiful! Wish we could do the exchange in the uk, infact I can only get hold of them via eBay which is pricey, such a shame! Love your blog x

  2. Such a cool Zoya haul, the colours look lovely :)

  3. Great selection of zoyas! Dusty haul is great too :)

  4. What a great Haul. Do you need help putting them away. :)
    In case you haven't entered, I'm having a new giveaway:

  5. Wow, mummy, this sure it an amazing and a hudge ZOYA haul!!! Hey, if you ever get bored with these then I'm the right address for them! Beauuuuutiful! <3

    Hey, have you joined my Essence Eclipse giveaway yet? If not here's a link:

  6. Great Zoya Haul, we have a lot of the same colors. Enjoy!

  7. I have a swatch of Kotori on my blog! Check it out!

  8. I think that OPI is from the 2008 Holiday collection.

  9. Oooh, nice stash enhancement! I never got around to doing a second exchange--probably just as well since I have so many untrieds. :)

  10. great Zoya haul! I need to start trading on MUA. I just don't ever get started. As far as how old the OPI It's Coal Outside is - it was from 2008 OPI Toyland collection - one of my all time fav ever of their holiday collections. It gave us some great ones - Brand New Skates, Sheer Your Toys, Little Red Wagon, & others. I wish OPI would go back to doing real holiday collections again. They departed last year with the Burlesque collection and doing the same this year - no holiday collection - instead doing the 6X6 release of their Muppet collection - 6 creams with shimmers and 6 glitters. I always looked to OPI holiday collections for some of my all time fav ever colors!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)