
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NOTD: Black Dolphins of Death on a Flaming Sea of Lava

Well ... not really LOL.  It started out as something totally different, a sunset idea for PHD's challenge this week, but being apparently extremely dumb when I am tired, I used orange for my base instead of yellow, and by the time I got done, it was way more red than yellow, and it didn't put me in mind of a sunset at all.  I used BB Couture Tequila Sunrise as my base color (No natural lamp shot because it just looked pink & not even close to color accurate):

Then I sponged the base of my nail with BB Pina Colada, and the tip with Sex on the Beach.  For stamping I used Black Special Polish, image plate bm01, and those of you who own a set of Bundle Monster plates will recognize this as a flame.  When I showed my mom she was quiet a minute & then said, "Dolphins?"  I made an extremely sarcastic remark about black dolphins & red water, and she protested that she didn't have her glasses on, but I got dolphins again at work.  So behold my fire & flames mani, AKA black dolphins of death on a flaming sea of lava:

LOL I don't hate this mani ... I actually kind of like it ... but I do wish I'd stamped the flames the other direction, so they were upright when I display my mani for others to see.  The order I sponged the colors in was also my own fault ... I should have used Pina Colada as my base color to get the look I was going for & I think I'm going to revisit this idea, same colors & even same BM plate, later in the week.  So that adds to an already packed lineup & I hope I get all this up in a timely manner:
  • Sunset mani for PHD's challenge
  • Zoya haul pic (my package just came today!)
  • TOTD Essie Mesmerize
  • Possibly underwater mani also for the challenge
  • Probably something from out of the Zoya boxes
  • Books ... I really should get caught up with books ... but notice how this is at the end of the list LOL XD
Thanks for reading.



  1. Oh goodness... I actually saw dolphins as well! Then I wondered, "Why are they on pink?" I've been staring at photoshop for so long my eyes are crossing!

    Still, it's really pretty! Makes me want to add some flamey ... erm, brushstrokes going up toward the tip of your nail to enhance the flame idea.

    Yea, I'm a total goob. :D

  2. Best post title ever! Pretty nails too!

  3. I'm sorry to say I see dolphins too. But the sound of the redo with the colors changed around seems like it will be nice.

  4. Woops, I thought they were dolphins also (he he).

    Very pretty mani.

  5. lol I wondered about the title, funny ^^
    Nice gradient mani, the more BM manis I see, the harder it is to stay away from them...

  6. Beautiful mani but the name of the post is even better!

  7. Best. Title. Ever.

    I kind of like it. Nothing says dolphins ~have~ to be in blue water right. ...right? <.<

  8. Oh my goodness Colette I adore the single color in the first "camera flash" it make your already gorgeous long natural fingernails extreamly irresitable and most beautiful ! Colette you have nails women would kill for !

  9. Haha, I got doplhins too, but now I see when you turn them the right way.
    | I think you may have a nail fetishist on your hands though. No pun intended.

  10. EVERYONE - Thanks - LOL glad you all enjoy my warped sense of humor XD

    ARRIANNE - Hehe, yes ... I don't mind, they are usually flattering & keep everything polite.


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