
Monday, July 19, 2010

NOTD: Zoya Charla

So, the long nails went out with a bang ... I got another very low tear, on my pinky, and admitted it was time for a cut.  I type this with nubbins =( & there will be a naked nails post tomorrow.  I wanted to enjoy Zoya Charla to the fullest, so that was the color I chose:
Sooo pretty.  I would have worn it longer if not for the tear, which I didn't want to wait too long to patch.
I guess my nails aren't really nubbins ... although they actually looked longer naked than they do now with color on.  Maybe I need to do a week (or 2) of strictly frenches... hmmm.  "Gory" details tomorrow =)  I don't know when I'll get to the zoo & garden pics I took over the weekend but I'll try to fit that stuff in soon also.
Thanks for reading.


  1. i have charla on now. it's so pretty. i just applied it today and I was going to do a post on it but I guess you beat me to it =).

  2. I loove Charla, it's so pretty!

    Your nails will grow back in no time ;)

  3. your swatch of charla makes it look amaaaaaazing! :D

  4. Ugh, I hate cutting nails. But what a way to go with Zoya Charla :)

  5. Gorgeous! I'm not as attracted to Charla as Ivanka and Mimi, but it looks amazing in your pictures.

  6. oh sorry about the nails :) youve given then a good try though, but like the others have said they'll be gorgous and long before you know it! loving the charla, im in love with opis catch me in your net-the first polish ive actually got a back up of!

  7. This is gorgeous on you! So sorry about your nubbins, I'm growing mine out from a couple of breaks again too.

  8. Your nails look beautiful as always. I follow you on youtube. You are my inspiration. I have a list of polishes based on you pics and videos. Your nails are gorgeous!

  9. Lol I've got Charla on now too. It's nowhere near as blue as it looks in your pics (and all the pics I've seen of it) but DAMN this is such a gorgeous color. Makes me think of mermaids...

  10. MEEKA - it reminded me of mermaids too!

  11. I hate those tears in the nail meat. =( I guess they do grow back though.

  12. ARRIANNE - It's so hard to be patient =(


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