
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Naked Nails (7-19-10)

So, my nails had about 11mm of free edge, or 1.1cm, yesterday prior to trimming.  Excuse the messy clean up, but Charla was being stubborn & I also knew I'd be using pure acetone to take off my patches so I could finish cleaning up then: 

I have to say it was a good thing I'd decided on a trim before I started on my patches, because my left middle did this to me:

So I had a little less control that I intended....I ended up taking off almost half of my length. Free edge is around 6mm on most fingers, give or take a little, but they feel SOOOO SHOOORRRT!  But, the plus side is that in the process I completely cut down 4 breaks that had grown out, so that's 4 less patches to maintain - although my last set lasted 3 full weeks.  The tear on my right ring has grown out past the nail bed, and the right middle's tear has almost grown out enough to trim.  The tear on my left pinkie is very minor, I don't anticipate any problems growing it out as long as I keep a patch on it.  These pics are prior to fresh patches:

Part of me is hating my left hand uneven like it us ... another is convinced if I'd taken them as low as they needed to be to be even, I really would be hunched over in a corner bawling my eyes out LOL.  Everyone keeps saying they're still long but to me they're just not & it's worse with polish on.  I mean, I'm not trying to be a crybaby, I'm just saying if I had any doubt that I preferred them long, that doubt would be gone (I had none, BTW, just sayin').

Oh well.  it won't take that long for them to grow out again... I hope.

Thanks for reading.



  1. pardon my french but i think ur nails look fucin gorgeous omg!!! ur nails r like porn to me soft core tho lol awesome blog!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Your nails are still beautiful and longer than mine :) I'm sure they'll grow back super fast!

  3. You're calling these short, but I have never had such long nails in my entire life =) I guess it's all relative =) But I must say, this new length suits you very well! =)

  4. I wish I could grow my nails to the length that yours are now without them breaking. You have effing gorgeous nails. Now I'm jealous.

  5. My nails have never been as long as your "short" nails. Holy crap. Your new length suits you well!

  6. I know just what you mean! My nails were about 15mm of free edge when the tire changing incident happened and I snipped them down to about 5mm. I'm keeping them short for the summer.

  7. i love the new Length of ur nails though Im a big fan of ur long nails...

  8. YOur new length looks awesome and so much nicer! Don't be sad, it's all good!

  9. EVERYONE - Thanks for the support =) I am getting a little more used to them already. Happier with how the mani I just finished looks than the one I took off =)

    PRINCEZZJAZMIN - LMFAO, I was eating when I read your comment & almost choked laughing!

    MZ ERIKA - I have to say, it's less avoiding breaks & more knowing how to patch them =) I still have 4 patches, even at this length - maybe check out my patching tutorial.

    EVIL ANGEL - I am just the opposite LOL, normally I give in to shorter in the winter in the interest of fitting into gloves!

  10. I gotta say, I know you like your nails longer, but I think the current length is a perfect "happy medium" between "short" and "too long" - they look PERFECT to me right now! Still long and elegant, not verging on too long... :)

  11. What beautiful nail beds you have! Yours are among the prettiest nail beds I have ever seen.

    I was sorry to read about your break. I understand. I truly do. xoxo!

  12. I think your nails look amazing now! I much prefer this length on you, but I'm sure your nails will grow back to your original length soon enough!

  13. They look lovely Colette, very healthy regardless of the 4 patches still needed x

  14. Don't worry, I totally know how you feel - my nails have never been as long as yours were originally - mine are normally about the length that you've just cut yours down to but I had to chop 'em real short last week and I was HEARTBROKEN. All my readers were saying 'shut up, they're still long!' but to me they're just... not. Some people just don't understand!

  15. I know how you feel (though I keep my nails much shorter than you do), but it will grow back in no time ^^ This patch thingie you use seems to be extremely useful, but that's just another thing that you can't really find in Hungary... So don't worry, your nails are still amazingly beautiful ^^

  16. Your nails are PERFECT and GORGEOUS at this length! I'm jealous... :)

  17. Your nails are still beautiful! I even think it looks better (aka more classy) "shorter", like the after pictures. Hope it grows back to your desire length soon! :)

  18. I love your blog and your long natural nails ^^

  19. Haha your "short nails" still look pretty long to me! They look nice though, very well maintained.

  20. Your nails look so much better without the patches! And I don't think they look short at all. Don't worry, they'll grow back out soon. ;)

  21. I get how you feel about your nails. I feel the same way about my hair. Some people would tell me that my current length is "long" but to me it is tragically short and I hate it and am growing it as fast as I possibly can. lol

    Your lovely nails will grow back to your preferred length soon. Until then, just try to enjoy the process.

    I have a couple of patches, too. Thanks to a post you did about them a while back, I have been able to save nails that I would have otherwise cut and filed down and started growing all over. :D

  22. Ahhhhhhhh yes....the apprehension, excitement and expectations of new born / reborn natural fingernails is a wonder of God and mother nature. This is where your pride, patience, persistence and perserverance pay off to grow long luxurious, classy, elegant nails and as Ice Queen mentioned enjoy the process....Good Luck Colette. BTW... your nails still look long and beautiful ;)

  23. EVERYONE - Thanks!

    KRISTINA - a few things are easier to do, others are harder - I am still getting used to typing at this length LOL

    DIANA - I am vicariously enjoying yours while mine are short! =)

    LEANNE - it is all personal preference/bias & also what you're used to. I feel like my hands overal look so much slimmer with long nails =)

    SEDNA - if you can get actual silk patches, you can actually use a tea bag! take out all the tea, cut out a little piece & then use nail glue or even clear polish. You don't have to use the exact products I do =)

    ICE QUEEN - glad the patching tut helped you out! Maybe I should make a countdown on my calendar LOL, I am guestimating around a month to a get back to my preferred length if I can avoid any more breaks.

  24. I'm the same way Colette! This is short for me, too short. I'm always so sad when I lose a nail. It's funny how something most people couldn't care less about can make us (polish heads) so upset.

  25. ARIANNE - I really regretted it my last water marble! The design looked so pretty in the water & I didn't get as much as I imagined on my nail =( I'll have to try that design again in a month or so =)

  26. I learned patches from you. I have my first one one this week after cutting them all the way off to the skin for 30 years! I always took my long nails and ability to do my own for granted, but I realize most people can't or can't afford to get their nails done. I've never been to a nail salon in my life. I recently learned to scuplt my own acrylics too if I want/need to. But thanks to your patch tutorial, I look forward to growing mine up to 1" long (from the cuticle).


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