
Thursday, June 17, 2010

NOTD: Ulta Tainted Love + Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure

Yes, it's past my bedtime.  I've been up too late all week.  I know that I said I was doing a blue marble ... and yes, I still have every intention - but no, I haven't gotten around to it yet.  I ended up marbling with some other colors for Polish Hoarder Disorder's challenge this week, but I also did 2 "quickie" manis before that, due to being up late & needing to go to bed, so I'm going to show you the first of those.

I've read that this color is pretty close to the Canadian exclusive Sally Hansen Project Runway, although I haven't seen any side-by-side comparions.  Whether it is or isn't, I liked it quite a lot.  I wore Ulta Tainted Love 1 day plain:

And then amped it up for day 2 with Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure.  The green base plays up the copper tones in HT.  Of course HT forces me to picspam =):

Need even more sparkliness?  Have a look at it in motion:

First time I have added some music to one of my vids - what do you guys think?  I just wanted something soothing so it wasn't a full minute of dead air.  Thanks for reading =)



  1. Just put this one on today myself. However, most of my nails (save for one) are considerably shorter than yours (not quite nubbins, but close) which makes me like this color on your nails better, but still I like it. :)

  2. WOW, I am in love with Tainted Love! It's amazing even without HT over it. Does Ultra have a webshop that ships to Europe?

  3. wow they need to make the full size bottle
    how many manis do you think can gotten from the mini?

  4. It looks amazing with HT over it!!

  5. Ooooh that's pretty. Your nails are gorgeous!

  6. I made notes to get this shade when I'm in LA next week, so I can compare it to SH Project Runway. It's gorgeous

  7. It's a really pretty polish and it looks really great with the flakes on!

  8. Alone, it is very very beautiful.COCO

  9. Sure looks the same when I compare online swatches. I am so happy that this is the ONE polish I chose to bring home with me from my visit to Seattle! :) GORGEOUS!

  10. wow,
    where did you buy this amazing color?
    Do you know if it is available in Germany, too?

  11. Tainted Love looks beautiul! A stunner! I loved the color and it was very pretty with HT as well. Beautiful!

  12. Ohh thanks for the vid! That was realy cool! I think you made vids of water marble manicures a while back??? I used your tutorials a few months ago on youtube!

  13. That looks amazing!!! Now I have to go hunt Hidden Treasure somewhere, somehow. They don't sell Sally Hansen here in Finland :((

  14. What a fabulous green is it !!!!! Exactly kind of green I appreciate !! And with SH, most beautiful ^^

  15. EVERYONE - Thanks so much!

    POLISHSIS - Ulta does have a webshop, but I'm not sure about the shipping or if they sell this particular color online.

    PERIPATETIC33 - Hmmm, I'm not sure the exact number of manis, but they're .24 oz, so around half a normal size bottle, give or take a little depending on brand.

    EBI - I got it at Ulta, not sure if it's available in Germany though.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)