
Sunday, June 13, 2010

NOTD: Color Club Gossip Column Matte-ified

This is the longest I've worn a mani in quite some time ... I wore this plain last Wednesday, added Konad for Thursday (original post HERE), and then Matte Magic for Friday.  I took these pics just before posting, so the matte finish has turned more satin, but I'm rather impressed with myself that I'm on my 5th day & have no chips & only minimal tip wear on both hands.  Since I realized I hadn't shown it to you guys matte, I thought I might as well post it up before I take it off:

Going to do a marble in blue, so stay tuned =)  Thanks for reading.



  1. That's gorgeous, I love the satin look in your pics :)

  2. wow, your nails are so long!
    are they nature nails or gel nails?

  3. good to hear the CC held up so well!

  4. At first I thought it was a marble look. Neat that you got 3 looks at of this one.

  5. These look really good! Almost as inspiring as the blue with siver flowers look you posted last week. I am such a fan!!! and guess what? I got my Konad in the mail!!! I'm so excited but my regular polishes won't stamp. Wonder why yours does. I'm SO jealous. I'll keep trying.

  6. so beautifull !!
    i have a giveaway in my blog come on see if you want :)

  7. EVERYONE - Thanks =)

    EBI - They are natural, although I do have several patches right now.

    WOOHONEY - not all regular polish works with Konad, a good rule is if it covers your nail in one coast, it may work well with Konad. Chrones & holos seem to work especially well as rule.


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)