
Monday, March 8, 2010

NOTD: My 1st Ruffian

I have to say my first because I definitely see myself doing this design again.  I picked a green & a gold to go with my current St. Patrick's Day color theme, but I kept it a really dark green to stay true to the original look.  I didn't want to do any nail art really, but to spice it up I flipped the colors to give myself accent nails on ring & thumb.  Gold is China Glaze 2030, green is Finger Paints Evergreen Dream, here is my take on the Ruffian manicure both the glossy before & after Matte Magic:

I have to admit I'm kind of in love.  So simple, but the crescent at the cuticle adds some interest & just a little something special.

Now, one thing I did want to touch on was in regards to using a matte topcoat with a chrome polish.  My first experience with this was a Konad that I did (original post HERE), and basically if you use matte over plain chrome, you get something completely matte, whereas if you use matte over a chrome with a glossy topcoat on it, you get a satin finish.  I tried to take a couple pics illustrating the point on a nail wheel, with the light hitting at a couple of different angles - the left half has a coat of Seche Vite, and the top half has a coat of Matte Magic:

Anyway, my point is that I prefer the more satin finish to the total light absorption of the uber matte.  It still throws back a little light & keeps it from being (IMO) totally boring.

Lastly, I don't have a tutorial of my own to share for this look, but here are two you can take a look at.  The original backstage CND footage from the Ruffian show:

& a quick tutorial from Nihrida:

Have you rocked the Ruffian?  I'll admit I feel a bit late to the game on this one, I keep seeing it on everyone else's blog =)  I'd been meaning to do it for about a week before this actually made it to my nails LOL.

Thanks for reading.



  1. I love it even more mattified!

  2. I like your personal twist on the Ruffian mani! Also, thanks for showing the difference between a completely matte chrome and a satin chrome. It's nice to know which one will have more shine and shimmer once I get my hands on a true chrome nail polish.

  3. You did a great job! Well done!

  4. I love it mattified, it's great ! I love the first version to, but I prefer the non-accent nails.
    I tried this mani this weekend but I failed, wrong choice of colors. I'll try again ;)

  5. So, of course you know I tried this yesterday, right? I'm not used to being a copycat (with being the oldest kid and all) so this is new to me. Anyway, I suck at creating a perfect moon. No worries. Will be revisting again shortly. It looks SO good on your long nail beds.

  6. I like this very much! Well,
    I did something close to it so I'm biased, lol. I also like your idea of swapping the colors for the thumb and ring fingers. That's unique.

  7. Hello Colette,
    It is the first time which I write you while I pass on your blog every day. I like what you make and your demonstrations by videos are fabulous. Since the time when I mean looking at this manicurist Ruffian, I dashed in the afternoon. And I finally arrived at something so far in light gray brilliant and dark gray matt. Thank you my beautiful to your videos and your advice. COCOLIVE

  8. EVIL ANGEL - Thanks, I did too =)

    CYAN - Thanks & you're welcome =)

    GILDEDANGEL - NIHRIDA - Thank you =)

    AYUU - Thanks - I actually agree I could have done without the accent LOL

    B - Thank you - I confess I do not have perfect technique either - since I applied topcoat over my first color, I was able to do corrections to the 2nd with a brush+remover =)

    JO.FROUGAL - That is a very close color combo! Thank you =)

    COCOLIVE - Thank you =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)