
Saturday, February 20, 2010

NOTD: Zoya Veruschka (5 ways)

You might remember me having some indecisiveness when I wore Orly Iron Butterfly ... going from matte to Konaded to plain glossy.  Well, I apparently do not learn my lesson LOL.  Exactly the same process happened here, you may be wondering how I topped myself & ended up with 5 this time, well, here's what happened:

I started off matte - didn't really have any intention of wearing it like this, but took a few pics:

Then I added some Konad with China Glaze Millennium & image plate m64.  I do like the look of matte with a chrome stamp:

All of that got a topcoat added.  This was supposed to be the end ... but something about it just didn't sit right with me.  Like the chrome almost overwhelmed the base color, you could barely tell I was wearing green:

So, I added 2 more coats of color & another coat of topcoat - this was my actual NOTD for Wednesday, and I was very happy that I'd covered the Konad.  This is an awesome green - the original Konad was really too much:

Then, I was quite lazy & didn't want to change a full manicure, so I decided to give Konad another try, with a bit more subtle hand.  This time I used OPI DS Sapphire & image plate m69.  I think I managed to go from the overwhelming end to the underwhelming end LOL, I did wear this as my NOTD for Thursday but it was honestly barely noticeable:

Whew, thatsa lotta pics!  Not to mention a lot of coats of polish - 10!  And let me tell you, it was not fun to take off, although it wasn't as bad as it would have been before I started soaking off my polish.  LOL I actually liked it best plain with topcoat.

Overall I think this color flatters my shorter nails a little better than Mahoganie did. This is a green that has such personality, such depth, I could just sit & look at it all day.  So much shimmer it's like itty-bitty micro glitter, so much more impressive than it would appear when matte.  I gave in to Zoya's sale a few days ago & placed an order - I have another of their mattes coming, along with just a couple other bottles, so stay tuned in a few days for a mini-haul post =)

Thanks for reading.



  1. Great designs; I love it with the top coat!

  2. Dude, I couldn't imagine how much polish came off on a cotton ball. Lol. And I wholly agree, soooo much shimmery goodness.

  3. gorgeous colour! i like it shiny rather than matte

  4. Gorgeous color! & I dont particularly go for greens.

  5. This is gorgeous, it looks so rich and velvety! I agree, the konading really overpowered the green. I like it best plain with just topcoat. Stunning! Michelle

  6. It looks so gorgeous with a shiny top coat!!!!!!!!

  7. Wonderful colour! I also like it better shiney!

  8. I like it with a topcoat! That looks really amazing!


  9. Love Veruschka with top coat. And your nails look gorgeous!

  10. great stuff! i need to give this polish another shot with a top coat...cause i found it really dissapointing matte :(

  11. I love Veruschka. :) But I prefer her in glossy look. :)))
    All of your photos are beautiful.

  12. What a beautiful color ! I like it matte and shiny, with a preference for the shiny version. And I love the second Konad you did !

  13. Colette, I have a bit of a question/request. Would this work for konading? The Zoya Mattes look pretty opaque. Michelle

  14. EVERYONE - Thanks so much! =)

    MICHELLE - I did actually test this for Konad the other day, although I didn't end up using it. It worked OK, I think the problem might come because mattes tend to dry so quickly - that said, this is the slowest drying matte I've used so far. So if you work quick you should be OK =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)