
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NOTD: Icing Purple Rain

I don't totally agree with this name, since it's more lavender than purple, maybe it could have been called Lavender Lightning, but in real life this Icing polish is called Purple Rain. It is pretty sheer, this is 4 coats & if I'd been wearing it alone I think the VNL would irritate me no end.

Since I was planning to cover it mostly with Konad, I didn't worry too much. But, the problem is my Purple Pearl Princess Polish. And I dare you to say that 5 times fast =) I forgot how crappy this polish actually is. The issue I have, and have always had with it, is that it doesn't come off of the stamper very well. The first stamp or 2 are fine, then no matter if I clean or don't clean or what I do, the image transfers lighter & lighter. I'm including a look at my left where you can really see what I'm talking about:

Also, I wandered over to Brooke's Blog & saw her using a better plaid image (from plate m60). I thought I'd give that a try ... bad idea. Another semi-failed mani coming tomorrow I'm afraid.

Thanks for reading.



  1. This is really pretty. Purple Rain would be really good for layering. Sorry about the Princess Polish. Duly noted and I will be avoiding it when I make my next Konad order.

  2. GILDEDANGEL - Thank you =)

    MIGHTY LAMCHOP - Out of the 4 Princess Polishes that I have, the only one I'm really happy with is the newest one (Psyche Pink) - and I've seen other people swatch with better results, so I almost wonder if Konad has changed their formula since I bought my original bottle


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