
Monday, June 2, 2014

NOTD: Formula X for Sephora Love Chemistry

Last week was a bit hectic, with the holiday & then a condensed work week, but while I took a few days off I'm not disappearing again!

This is another from my Formula X for Sephora train case that they sent me, and I think it is one of the shiniest things I have ever had on my nails!  The coppery pink & gold combination is one that I wasn't sure about until I had it on my nails, then I was in love:

And if Formula X is a little bit out of your price range, worry not - Maybelline Color Show has a really good dupe called Gilded Rose =)  I just gave that to a friend as a birthday gift, because it's such a great color regardless of which brand you go with.

Thanks for reading.



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