
Sunday, December 15, 2013

1,000th Blog Post - My Magazine Interview

So, it seems very apropos that for such a monumental milestone as my one thousandth blog post, I have something just as monumental to share - that being my interview in the January/February issue of Nail It! Magazine. Here's a look at the cover, I'm inside on page 77:

This issue should be available in stores now!  If you read it please let me know what you think =)  Somehow being in print seems to take it to another level than just being online.  If you'd like some more details you can check out my video announcement here:

I'm not doing quite as well with my return to blogging as I'd planned, since I haven't even touched my backlog of old pics yet, but I'm nearly current up to what's on my nails right now, so I guess I have to give myself a little credit.  It's getting slightly easier to squeeze in and I don't plan on stopping, so here's to another thousand posts!

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)